[02:03.77]而且我也有权知道 And l have every fuckin’ right to know.
[02:04.99]因为我完全忘记了 Because it sIipped my mind!
[02:07.44]好吧 不算个好理由 帕蒂 AII right, not good enough, Pat6.
[02:13.91]你还有什么是完全忘记了的? What eIse sIipped your fuckin’ mind?
[02:16.44]我忘了告诉你我真的他妈的受不了你了 l forgot to teII you that l fucking can’t stand you.
[02:29.36]*扪心自问才发现* Lookin’ for a heart to break the news to
[02:35.03]*一切都已太迟了* That it’s much too Iate
[02:37.00]我们能走了吗? 我想走了 我看够了 Can we pIease get out of here? l need to go. l’ve seen enough.
[02:40.30]你说什么呢? 我们来这儿都是为了你不是吗? What are you taIkin’ about? We’re here for you, aren’t we?
[02:42.61]那我已经看到想看的了 And l’ve seen aII l need to see.
[02:44.51]我们公司绝对不可能会签这种三流歌手的 There’s no way these jackoffs are gonna get signed by my IabeI.
[02:48.44]*别让它随风而逝* Don’t bIow it
[02:52.11]我得跟你说 伯尼 我挺喜欢他们的 l’II teII you, Bernie. l Iike this guy a Iot.
[02:54.22]他唱高音的感觉颇有点史帝芬派瑞的味道 He’s got a bit of the Steve Perry thing goin’ with those high notes.
[02:57.09]再听一下嘛 也让墨菲多了解一下 GIve these Guys another lIsten. Murph mIGht be onto somethInG.
[02:59.55]大错特错了 大叔 Wrong demographic, grandpa.
[03:02.56]我受够了! l’m done!