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时间:2015-05-25 22:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:12.95]你是不是想暗示我做错了什么? Are you trying to impIy that l did something wrong? [01:16.38]不不 我只是随便问问 No. No, lm mereIy making an observation4. [01:19.39]不 事实上你这是在斥责 No, you know,
  •   [01:12.95]你是不是想暗示我做错了什么? Are you trying to impIy that l did something wrong?
      [01:16.38]不不 我只是随便问问 No. No, l’m mereIy making an observation4.
      [01:19.39]不 事实上你这是在斥责 No, you know, ’cause you You’re making an accusation5.
      [01:22.96]他向你要电话号码了吗? Did he ask for your phone number?
      [01:25.89]没有 因为他只是来打个招呼的 No, ’cause he just stopped by to say heIIo.
      [01:28.33]你从什么时候开始这么爱吃醋了? And since when are you so jeaIous?
      [01:30.33]如果他要了 你会给他吗? Ifhe dId, Would you have GIven It to hIm?
      [01:32.70]你到底想干嘛 奇斯? 这是干嘛? You know, what the fuck are you doing, Chazz? What is this?
      [01:36.00]因为我…我不明白了 ’Cause l don’t l don’t get it.
      [01:37.92]我不是那个在外面鬼混到很晚回家的人 You know, l am not the one who stays out Iater than usuaI.
      [01:40.21]也不是那个老是取消计划的人 l am not the one who canceIs pIans.
      [01:42.71]也不是那个会把完美的约会日 l am not the one who thinks that a perfect date night
      [01:46.30]毁在5个小时的蜘蛛侠身上的人 is filve hours of SpIderMan.
      [01:48.28]少来 蜘蛛侠1和2很好看的 Oi, come on. SpIderMan 1 and 2 are great filIms.
      [01:52.15]没错 如果你还是12岁的话 Yeah, if you’re 1 2.
      [01:54.66]你干嘛这么不安? What are you GettIn’ so upset about, all rIGht?
      [01:57.76]听着 是你那天晚上出去的 Listen. You went out the other night.
      [02:00.06]你还遇到你的前男友 你却忘了告诉我 You ran into your ex. You forgot to teII me,
      [02:02.48]我想知道为什么 and l wanna know why.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
