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时间:2015-05-25 22:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:35.61]哦 没怎么多说 Oh, weII, not reaIIy much of anything. [00:37.88]凯特很快就把他吓走了 Kate scared him away pretty quickIy. [00:39.92]噢 那你 就这么碰巧忘记告诉我了? Oh, and you, uh,just forgot to teII m
  •   [00:35.61]哦 没怎么多说 Oh, weII, not reaIIy much of anything.
      [00:37.88]凯特很快就把他吓走了 Kate scared him away pretty quickIy.
      [00:39.92]噢 那你 就这么碰巧忘记告诉我了? Oh, and you, uh,just forgot to teII me about it?
      [00:43.85]你知道 完全忘记了 Ah, you know. SIipped my mind.
      [00:46.35]会发生这种事还真是新奇 嗯?  lnteresting how that happens, hmm?
      [00:48.55]发生这种事? HoW What happens?
      [00:49.73]你跟我刚吵完架 就遇到了你痛失的爱人? You and l get in a filght, and then you run into your IongIost Iove?
      [00:52.36]怎么会 就是巧合?      没错  What,just a coincidence?         Yes.
      [00:55.03]就是巧合 而且他也不是我痛失的爱人 lt was just a coincidence. And he’s not my IongIost Iove.
      [00:58.43]你告诉他你结婚了吗?      呃 还没聊到  Did you teII him you were married?         Um, It dIdn’t come up.
      [01:02.20]噢 那真的很有趣 Oh. That’s funny too.
      [01:04.51]你知道 我…我肯定他看到我的戒指了  You know, l’m l’m sure he saw my ring.
      [01:06.11]哦 也许吧 Oh, probabIy did.
      [01:08.38]那么 你们两个聊了什么呢? So, what’d you two taIk about, hmm?
      [01:10.41]书 写作 你最喜欢的作者还是诸如此类的事? Books and writing and your favorite authors and aII that shite?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
