[04:39.05]不是这样的 喜欢文学的人都上哪儿去了? No. See, where is Where are the peopIe that want Iiterature?
[04:42.62]是…我们是不是 这个社会 人们所要追求的… lsAre we, as a society, the type of peopIe that aII we want...
[04:46.50]就是些庸俗的类似爆米花式的垃圾呢? is puIp and popcorn6 and the same crap?
[04:50.07]难道我们不再对文化有所思考了吗? Are we not an ideas cuIture anymore?
[04:52.10]布莱恩 我不会再跟你谈论什么"思考" Brian, l’m not gonna have the ’’ideas’’
[04:53.80]之类的话题了 行吗? conversation with you again, aII right?
[04:56.41]让它去吧 Let it rest.
[00:01.01]但是…那她怎么样? But So how was she?
[00:03.17]我是说 她…她看上去开心吗? l mean, is she is she She seem happy?
[00:07.35]不 不算很开心 No. Not reaIIy.
[00:09.52]我今天下午碰到安东了 I ran Into Anton thIs afternoon.
[00:11.61]他是 呃 阿缪斯的头儿 He’s, uh, head chef1 over at Amuse2.
[00:15.52]他跟我说那天晚上某个很特别的人 He toId me someone very speciaI paid a visit
[00:18.67]上你们那桌去了 to your tabIe the other night.
[00:20.63]哦 对 凯特和我遇到了布莱恩… Oh. Yeah, Kate and l ran into Brian
[00:22.63]记得吗 就是那次你没跟我们一起吃晚饭 You know, the night you didn’t want to have dinner with us.
[00:25.30]因为你忘记跟我说 但是… Because you forgot to teII me about it, but...
[00:27.47]一笔归一笔 好吗? that’s another argument for another time, right?
[00:30.17]那个爱尔兰打字员都说了些什么? So, What dId the Great IrIsh3 scrIbe have to say for hImself?.