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时间:2015-05-25 22:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:04.52]我已经8个月没卖出过房子了 l havent had a saIe in eight months. [04:06.17]那太好了 瞧见没? AII right, you see? [04:06.99]这是件好事 这次偶遇 This is a good thing a fortuitous meeting. [04:10.09]她在卖房
  •   [04:04.52]我已经8个月没卖出过房子了  l haven’t had a saIe in eight months.
      [04:06.17]那太好了 瞧见没? AII right, you see?
      [04:06.99]这是件好事 这次偶遇 This is a good thing a fortuitous meeting.
      [04:10.09]她在卖房地产? 怎么会这样? She’s In real estate? HoWdId that happen?
      [04:12.06]我不知道 我也没问 Look, l don’t know, and l was not about to ask.
      [04:15.60]是没错 可是那天晚上 Yeah, but when we ran into her that night,
      [04:17.48]她还说她在准备写新作呢 she said she was workin’ on a new noveI.
      [04:19.47]对 可是 她已经10年没有出版过了 不是吗? Yeah, weII, Iook. She hasn’t pubIished anything in 1 0 years, right?
      [04:22.00]所以她可能就需要份工作了 So she probabIy just needed the job.
      [04:24.11]可这说不通啊 她是个很棒的作家 lt doesn’t make any sense though. She’s a great writer.
      [04:26.27]她居然卖房地产…给你 She’s seIIing reaI estate... to you.
      [04:28.54]你也读过她以前的东西 Look, you read her shit in the past.
      [04:31.30]我是说 全是些深沉的废话 l mean, aII that esoteric nonsense.
      [04:32.65]也许她只是没法出版它们吧  She probabIy just can’t get pubIished.
      [04:34.17]什么? 噢 拜托 看到没? 这… What? Oh, come on. See? That’s
      [04:35.38]你…这就是问题所在 就是这个 "深沉的废话" You areThat is the probIem, right there. ’’Esoteric nonsense.’’

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
