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时间:2015-05-25 22:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:13.36]甚至还跟她的好朋友交往过 even dated her best friend, okay? [03:14.60]我觉得我们合作得很愉快 So lm thinkin, you and l have had a pretty good run here. [03:17.17]事情进展得也很顺利 但是 呃 l though
  •   [03:13.36]甚至还跟她的好朋友交往过 even dated her best friend, okay?
      [03:14.60]我觉得我们合作得很愉快 So l’m thinkin’, you and l have had a pretty good run here.
      [03:17.17]事情进展得也很顺利 但是 呃 l thought things went weII, but, uh,
      [03:19.42]我不能再接受你的服务了 l’m not gonna need your services anymore.
      [03:21.88]这么做是不恰当的 墨菲先生 That’s reaIIy inappropriate, Mr. Murphy.
      [03:23.80]我可是为你奔波很久了 l work very hard for you.
      [03:24.91]我知道 但是 她是老朋友 我…我必须这么做 l know, l know. But Iook, she’s an oId friend. l l gotta do this.
      [03:29.79]滚开  Fuck off.
      [03:31.37]那不是…我是说 你怎么能这么说 ? That’s not l mean, why wouId you say that?
      [03:32.65]你怎么能这么说?      滚吧  Why wouId you say that?         Fuck off’.
      [03:40.90]那么 帕蒂… So, PattI
      [03:43.67]我不得不 呃 让门罗走人了 l just had to, uh, Iet Monroe go.
      [03:46.57]所以我要找新的房地产代理商了 So l’m Iookin’ for new reaI estate agent.
      [03:48.67]我想也许你能帮我 你说呢? l thought maybe you might be my girI. What do you say?
      [03:51.21]我很高兴…能帮到你 l wouId be pIeased... to heIp you.
      [03:54.01]噢 谢谢 这样太好了 墨菲  Aw, thanks. That’s great, Murph.
      [03:56.01]如果要我再花一个下午跟那家伙一起 lf l had to spend another afternoon with that guy,
      [03:57.61]我一定会把他从屋顶上扔下去 l was gonna toss5 him off the roof.
      [03:59.75]瞧瞧他带我看的这种烂房子 Look at these shithoIes that he shows me.
      [04:01.85]噢 这样真的太好了 Oh, this couId be great.
      [04:02.80]你真的可以终结我的真空期了 You couId reaIIy heIp end my dry speII.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
