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时间:2015-05-25 22:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:23.55]我的确有跟你说过这里需要再装修的 l did teII you that it requires a IittIe refurbishing. [02:25.75]只需要 呃 做一点杂活就好了 lts a, uh, handyman speciaI. [02:27.76]哦 那我看上去像个杂工吗? Oh
  •   [02:23.55]我的确有跟你说过这里需要再装修的 l did teII you that it requires a IittIe refurbishing.
      [02:25.75]只需要 呃 做一点杂活就好了 lt’s a, uh, handyman speciaI.
      [02:27.76]哦 那我看上去像个杂工吗?  Oh, and l Iook Iike a handyman to you?
      [02:30.23]当然 我并不是指你 ObviousIy, l didn’t mean you.
      [02:31.89]门罗 少来了 我只是开你玩笑的 Monroe, come on. l’m just breakin’ your baIIs.
      [02:34.16]我只是…我有点吓到 l’m just l’m in shock.
      [02:35.36]这就是你花了200万弄到的? This is what you get for two miIIion doIIars, huh?
      [02:37.60]太让我伤心了 lt breaks my heart.
      [02:38.99]我有跟你提过我在西边的公寓吗? Did l ever teII you about the apartment l had on the Upper West Side?
      [02:41.50]全是90年代的风格 Got it in the mid’90s for a song?
      [02:44.21]现在都给我前妻了 所以那是两个亏本投资 Now the exwife has it, so that’s two bad investments.
      [02:47.98]只要装修好了 这里会成为很好的住所的 You know, uh, with the right kind of vision, this couId be a very speciaI home.
      [02:52.25]邻里都在变化呢 The neighborhood is changing.
      [02:59.92]我们为什么不 呃…谈一下呢? Why don’t we have a, uh a taIk?
      [03:04.16]跟你说了这里是私有的 ToId you it was an excIusive.
      [03:07.20]那么听着 我有…一个坏消息 门罗 So Iook, l got l got some bad news, Monroe.
      [03:11.60]我是这位女士的大学同学 l went to coIIege with this woman,

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
