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时间:2015-04-21 16:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:49.04]哦, 尤妮丝. Oh, Eunice. [02:84.96]嘿,室友 Hey, roomie. [03:27.16]这是给你的 This is for you. [03:54.84]斯特拉特福德少年联盟邀请你参加 The Stratford Junior League invites you [03:55.00]第38届社交舞
  •   [02:49.04]哦, 尤妮丝. Oh, Eunice.
      [02:84.96]嘿,室友 Hey, roomie.
      [03:27.16]这是给你的 This is for you.
      [03:54.84]“斯特拉特福德少年联盟邀请你参加 "The Stratford Junior League invites you
      [03:55.00]第38届社交舞会” to the 38th Annual Debutante3 Ball."
      [03:61.16]- 他也许会来的,你知道么 - 你当时没看到他的表情 - He still could show, you know. - You didn’t see his face.
      [03:67.64]我找到合适的礼服 I found the perfect dress.
      [03:67.96]谢谢,妈,但是我不觉得我有机会穿 Thanks, Mom, but I don’t think I’m gonna get a chance to wear it.
      [03:73.92]你穿好看的衣服不是为了给男人看 You don’t need a man to wear a beautiful dress.
      [03:78.80]反正也没什么大碍 But it doesn’t hurt.
      [03:81.36]维奥拉·海斯丁斯,能护送你是我今晚的荣幸 Viola Hastings, it would be my honor to escort you tonight.
      [03:84.80]谢谢,鲍尔. 真的感激你 Thanks, Paul. That’s really sweet.
      [04:26.92]毛虫们! 我珍贵的毛虫们 Caterpillars4! My precious caterpillars.
      [04:31.72]再过二十分钟你们就会变成蝴蝶 In 20 minutes you’ll all be beautiful butterflies.
      [04:32.28]- 毛虫! - 蝴蝶! - Caterpillars! - Butterflies!
      [04:36.08]你看起来真美 我……只是出来透透气 You look beautiful. I just... I gotta get some air.
      [04:71.04]我没想到你会来 I didn’t think you’d show up.
      [04:77.12]你能来对我来说意义重大 It really means a lot to me that you’re here.
      [04:80.68]- 说点什么 - 我要开洒水机了 - Say

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