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时间:2015-05-25 22:03来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:34.65]她当然是无法预测的 她的脑子就是个草包 But of course shes unstable8. Her braIn Is frIed [04:37.36]动起来 姑娘们 Move your feet, Iadies. [04:37.99]听着 你还有其它的事要操心 WeII, Iook. You got big
  •   [04:34.65]她当然是无法预测的 她的脑子就是个草包  But of course she’s unstable8. Her braIn Is frIed
      [04:37.36]动起来 姑娘们 Move your feet, Iadies.
      [04:37.99]听着 你还有其它的事要操心  WeII, Iook. You got bigger things to worry about.
      [04:41.02]我是说 下星期就要出书了 我跟鲍勃谈了 I mean, the book comes out next Week, and I spoke9 to Bob...
      [04:44.56]他说那群维京人很是担忧 and he says the... gang at Viking sounds worried.
      [04:46.80]担忧? 担忧什么?  Worried? Worried about what?
      [04:48.87]这还用问? 他们当然是担心销量啦 What do you mean about what? They’re worried about saIes.
      [04:50.37]这书会大卖的 我拿我汉普顿的房子打赌 The book is gonna seII. l’II bet my house in the Hamptons,
      [04:53.92]它会成为畅销书的 this book is gonna be a best seIIer.
      [04:55.14]跟你赌了      拜托 墨菲 没必要打那么重  l’II take that bet.         Come on, Murph. No need to hit it so hard.
      [04:58.81]上帝啊 瞧啊 都怪你不好 Jesus. Look at You got me aII upset.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
