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时间:2015-05-25 22:03来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.64]听着 人们要看这类书 他们需要这个 Look, peopIe want this kind of book. They need it. [00:04.81]更何况 蝉联了6次的最佳销售量 Besides, after giving them six best seIIers... [00:06.88]我想我应该有个免
  •   [00:01.64]听着 人们要看这类书 他们需要这个 Look, peopIe want this kind of book. They need it.
      [00:04.81]更何况 蝉联了6次的最佳销售量 Besides, after giving them six best seIIers...
      [00:06.88]我想我应该有个免死金牌旁身了吧 l think l’m entitIed to a IittIe reprieve1.
      [00:09.89]说到书 你觉得最后的定稿怎么样? Speaking of the book, what’d you think of the filnaI draft?
      [00:12.79]我 呃…你知道 我还没来得及看完 我… l, uhYou know, l haven’t gotten around to it yet. l
      [00:17.43]你都拿去3个月了 你个鸟人  You’ve had it for three months, you prick2.
      [00:19.36]我知道 但我… l know, but you
      [00:20.16]你雇我是来看合同的 又不是你的书 不是吗? You pay me to read your contracts, not your books, right?
      [00:23.33]更何况 你知道我更喜欢一些有深度的故事 Besides, you know l prefer a good yarn3 to the more esoteric stuff.
      [00:27.14]对 那你现在是准备慨叹 Yeah, you faII into the
      [00:28.67]"人生短暂得来不及思考"? ’’Life’s too short to think’’ category?
      [00:29.67]布莱恩 我大学里就认识你了 对不? B, l’ve known you since coIIege, right?
      [00:31.67]我是说 我看过你穿成啦啦队长 l mean, l’ve seen you dressed as a cheerIeader...
      [00:33.68]抱着洗脸盆狂吐的样子 hugging a toiIet bowI, puking your guts4 out.
      [00:35.68]所以 要我跟你谈论深沉真的需要多点时间 Therefore, l’m gonna have a tough time taking you seriousIy.
      [00:38.08]我的上帝啊 我绝对不会忘记那次的 Jesus Christ. l’m never gonna Iive that down.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
