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时间:2015-05-25 22:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:40.44]那次万圣节 lt was HaIIoween. [00:41.42]可我还能扮成谁呢? 不知道 What eIse was l supposed to go as? l dont know. [00:43.09]我只是觉得对一个没阴道的人来说 l just think a cheerIeader was an odd choice f
  •   [00:40.44]那次万圣节 lt was HaIIoween.
      [00:41.42]可我还能扮成谁呢?      不知道  What eIse was l supposed to go as?         l don’t know.
      [00:43.09]我只是觉得对一个没阴道的人来说 l just think a cheerIeader was an odd choice for somebody,
      [00:45.61]扮啦啦队长是个很奇怪的选择 you know, without a vagina.
      [00:47.96]家具上哪儿去了? Where’s aII the furniture?
      [00:49.83]报纸的图片上看这里是很漂亮的 l mean, in the picture in the newspaper, this this pIace Iooked beautifuI.
      [00:54.53]呃 他们搬走了… Uh, they moved...
      [00:56.77]所以他们就带走了自己的东西 and they took their things.
      [00:59.94]我没告诉过你我不喜欢这种乡巴佬吗?  WeII, didn’t l teII you l don’t Iike the West ViIIage? Huh?
      [01:03.97]算了 他们要价多少? Anyway, uh, what are they askin’?
      [01:07.74]4      4? 见鬼了  Four.         Four? Geez.
      [01:11.38]他们疯了 脑抽 They’re crazy. Pazzo.
      [01:18.55]好吧 还算有点优点 AII right, l gotta give you this.
      [01:20.69]还有些风景 This is some view.
      [01:22.73]那么 说说看  So, uh, teII me.
      [01:25.19]你的真实想法呢? What’s your honest opinion?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
