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时间:2015-05-25 22:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:30.07]我不知道 我觉得这里是个很漂亮的地方 l dont know. l think its another beautifuI pIace. [01:32.77]你知道 这里是一个 You know, it couId be a great home with... [01:35.94]明亮 风景好 环境好的地方 gr
  •   [01:30.07]我不知道 我觉得这里是个很漂亮的地方 l don’t know. l think it’s another beautifuI pIace.
      [01:32.77]你知道 这里是一个… You know, it couId be a great home with...
      [01:35.94]明亮 风景好 环境好的地方 great Iight, great views, great outdoor space.
      [01:40.44]所以 我不懂 也许是我漏看了什么 So, l don’t know. Maybe l’m missing something...
      [01:42.51]但我就是不懂为什么你不喜欢这儿 but l can’t see why you wouIdn’t be very happy here.
      [01:45.62]你刚刚说什么? 什么? 什么? 什么? What are you sayInG here? What? What? What?
      [01:47.82]你是不是想暗示什么? 嗯?      呃 不 是…  You tryin’ to impIy something? Huh?         Uh, no. Ye
      [01:52.09]呃 事实上 萨巴缇尼先生… WeII, actuaIIy, Mr. Sabatini
      [01:54.09]听着 我不知道到底是怎么了 Listen. l don’t know what it is.
      [01:56.99]过去的两年里我们几乎看遍了所有的公寓 We have seen every apartment on the market in the past two years...
      [01:59.66]我知道要做决定很困难… and l know it is hard to make a decision
      [02:01.83]我不知道自己到底做错了什么 l don’t know what l’m doing wrong,
      [02:03.30]但我开始觉得也许… but l’m starting to think that maybe
      [02:06.77]也许 只是…我不知道 该怎么说呢?  Maybe,just l don’t know. How do l put this?
      [02:09.17]我觉得也许我们可能… l think that maybe we’re possibIy
      [02:11.44]我不知道…是不是定错了价位呢? l don’t know Iooking in the wrong price range?
      [02:13.44]定错价位 你个… The WronG prIce ranGe. You lIttle
      [02:16.05]什么…你知不知道自己在跟谁说话? 嗯? What Do you know who you’re taIking to here? Huh?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
