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时间:2015-01-27 21:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:57.13]当然前提是他身体负荷得了 Provided, of course, he feels well enough. [02:02.60]不行 我们不去了 No. Were not going. [02:08.50]有个阿姨要花五百元买金奖券 A woman offered me $500 for the ticket. [02:11.
  •   [01:57.13]当然前提是他身体负荷得了 Provided, of course, he feels well enough.
      [02:02.60]不行  我们不去了 No. We’re not going.
      [02:08.50]有个阿姨要花五百元买金奖券 A woman offered me $500 for the ticket.
      [02:11.94]一定还有人出价更高 I bet someone else would pay more.
      [02:14.31]我们需要的是钱  不是巧克力 We need the money more than we need the chocolate.
      [02:26.66]小伙子  过来 Young man, come here.
      [02:32.86]外头的钱多得是 There’s plenty of money out there.
      [02:35.73]每天都有新钞在印 They print more every day.
      [02:38.80]但这张金奖券... But this ticket...
      [02:40.90]全世界只有五张而已... there’s only five of them in the whole world...
      [02:44.98]以后也不会再有了 and that’s all there’s ever going to be.
      [02:48.14]只有傻瓜才会放弃金奖券 要钱那种俗气的东西 Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money.
      [02:53.78]你是傻瓜吗? Are you a dummy?
      [02:56.89]不是 No, sir.
      [02:58.92]那就去换掉那条脏裤子 你要去参观工厂了 Then get that mud off your pants. You’ve got a factory to go to.
      [03:46.94]爸爸  我要进去 Daddy, I want to go in.
      [03:49.44]才9点59分  甜心 It’s 9:59, sweetheart.
      [03:51.14]叫时间过快一点啦 Make time go faster.
      [03:54.08]你觉得旺卡先生会认出你吗? Do you think Mr. Wonka will recognize you?
      [03:56.21]很难说  事隔多年了 Hard to say. It’s been years.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
