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时间:2015-01-27 21:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:03.50]足够让你吃一辈子的巧克力 each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat. [01:06.97]记住 五个小朋友当中 有一位将独得大奖... And remember, one of you lucky five children will receive an extra
  •   [01:03.50]足够让你吃一辈子的巧克力 each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat."
      [01:06.97]记住  五个小朋友当中 有一位将独得大奖... "And remember, one of you lucky five children will receive an extra prize...
      [01:11.85]超乎你最疯狂的想像之外 beyond your wildest imagination.
      [01:14.22]请遵照以下的指示 Now, here are your instructions."
      [01:16.75]请在二月一日 上午十点整到工厂门口 "On the 1st of February, you must come to the factory gates at 10 a.m. Sharp.
      [01:20.86]你可以带一位家人随行照顾 You’re allowed to bring one member of your family to look after you.
      [01:24.39]到时候见了 威利·旺卡 Until then, Willy Wonka."
      [01:27.33]二月一日 The 1st of February.
      [01:29.73]-就是明天耶 -那片刻不容缓了  查理 -But that’s tomorrow. -Then there’s not a moment to lose.
      [01:32.77]快去洗脸...梳头...洗手...刷牙...清鼻子 Wash your face, comb your hair, scrub your hands, brush your teeth, blow your nose.
      [01:36.77]-还要换掉那条脏裤子 -我们现在要保持冷静 -And get that mud off your pants. -Now we must all try and keep very calm.
      [01:40.81]首先要决定的是 谁来陪查理去参观工厂 First thing that we have to decide is this: Who is going with Charlie to the factory?
      [01:45.45]我去  我带他去 交给我就对了 I will. I’ll take him. You leave it to me.
      [01:48.95]怎样?  你不觉得你应该去吗? How about you, dear? Don’t you think you ought to go?
      [01:51.82]约瑟夫爷爷好像比我们任何人  知道得多... Well, Grandpa Joe seems to know more about it than we do, and...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
