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时间:2015-04-06 22:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:08.24]好了,我们或许要重新考虑一下 OK. We might need to do a little reevaluating here. [01:13.88]- 是啊 - 你好啊,美女 - Yeah. - Hey there, pretty lady. [01:16.76]什么?什么意思,想泡我? What...? What
  •   [01:08.24]好了,我们或许要重新考虑一下 OK. We might need to do a little reevaluating here.
      [01:13.88]- 是啊 - 你好啊,美女 - Yeah. - Hey there, pretty lady.
      [01:16.76]什么…?什么意思,想泡我? What...? What are you, hitting on me?
      [01:21.24]- 我只是… - “我只是…” - I was just... - "I was just..."
      [01:24.64]好了,我来通一下你那塞住的脑子 OK, let me put a stop to that little brain fart right now.
      [01:28.64]像我这样翘屁股的女生不会跟 你这种衰得要死的男生说话 Girls with asses2 like mine do not talk to boys with faces like yours.
      [01:35.80]我在找我男朋友塞巴斯蒂安·海斯丁斯 你们看到他没? I’m looking for my boyfriend Sebastian Hastings. Have you guys seen him?
      [01:39.92]塞巴斯蒂安? Sebastian?
      [01:42.64]糟了!别让她接近你,会被识破的! Don’t let her get too close, she’ll recognize you.
      [01:44.44]我该怎么办? What am I gonna do?
      [01:47.40]- 别靠近我! - 你说什么?! - Keep away from me! - I beg your pardon?!
      [01:50.88]大美女好 好了,别再过来了,摩妮琪 Pretty ladies. OK, don’t come any closer, Monique.
      [01:51.56]- 塞巴斯蒂安! - 我们结束了! - Sebastian! - It’s over!
      [01:53.16]你说什么?! What are you talking about?!
      [01:56.44]- 我不想跟你说话!疯了吗? - 塞巴斯蒂安,快过来 - I don’t want to talk to you! - Sebastian, come back here.
      [01:59.16]你很性感,摩妮琪,很火辣 You’re hot, Monique. Smoking hot.
      [02:01.04]过来!你!你!你! Come here. Get! Get! Get!
      [02:03.32]- 但辣妹外面多得是 - 快过来 - But there are plenty of hot girls. - Come back here.
      [02:05.80]事实是,你徒有其表,却脑袋空空 And the truth is, you have absolutely nothing else to offer.
      [02:12.28]我闭上眼睛时,感觉到你真实面孔 And when my eyes are closed, I see you for what you truly are,
      [02:15.76]太丑陋了!我们结束了! which is ugly! We’re done!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
