[03:38.58]有时,他需要像我这样的自由工作者 Sometimes he needs a freelancer14 like me [03:41.64]来支持那些他不可能支持的军队 to supply forces [03:42.81]所以,你称我为恶魔 he cant be seen supplying. So.....
[02:27.71]这样可以让你有所准备 This way, you can prepare yourself. [02:34.71]好的 Okay. [02:36.01]很快,会有人来敲门 Soon theres going to be a knock on that door [02:37.81]你会被叫到外面去 and you will be called...
[01:09.68]因为你已经没时间了 Because you dont have long. [01:11.78]你在注意听吗? Are you paying attention? [01:14.34]还是你在做梦? Or are you delusional4? [01:16.94]你已经违反了每一条法律 You have broken ever...
[04:37.71]伪造死亡证明书? Falsifying a death certificate? [04:40.24]这个罪名可告不了我 Thats not gonna hold me. [04:42.24]你说的没错 和平时一样,你又说对了 Youre right. As usual, you are right. [04:48.34]你看...
[03:19.58]叫他把维塔利身体里的子弹都取出来 to remove the lead from Vitalys body [03:21.58]然后写一个伪造的死亡证明书 and write a bogus death certificate. [03:24.71]我应该多给他一些 I shouldve paid more....
[01:59.64]如果我不拿它们,我也是失去了一些东西 If I left them, I was lost. [02:10.14]一场大屠杀发生了,就像维塔利所说的那样 The massacre1 played out exactly how Vitaly predicted. [02:13.64]另外,那一周...
[04:10.01]不是,是1200枚手榴弹 I thought it was 1200 grenades. [04:15.64]我太重视这次交易了 I was so caught up in the deal... [04:17.38]我没有仔细思考过维塔利的脑子里到底在想什么 I never realized what w...
[02:59.31]他们就在那里! Yuri, theyre right there! [03:00.98]如果我们这么做,他们会怎样对我们? What do you think theyll do to us [03:02.21]他们会杀了我们 if we back out? Theyll kill us. [03:04.51]但是我们继续...
[01:34.21]好的,我有500支枪,全新的 Right, Ive got 500 units, brand new right out of the box, [01:38.34]刚刚从箱子里拿出来,都和这支一样新 all as clean as this. What have you got? [01:58.58]上帝啊 God! Oh, Jes...
[00:23.61]西边? The west? [00:26.28]我们要去塞拉利昂 Were going to Sierra Leone. [00:27.91]没错,我的儿子安德烈二世 Oh, yes. And my son Baptiste Junior [00:31.14]会和你们一起去帮你们作介绍 will go with you...