[03:19.58]叫他把维塔利身体里的子弹都取出来 to remove the lead from Vitaly’s body
[03:21.58]然后写一个伪造的死亡证明书 and write a bogus death certificate.
[03:24.71]我应该多给他一些 I should’ve paid more.
[03:26.58]我走私里上百万的弹药 I’ve smuggled4 millions of rounds of ammunition5,
[03:28.74]但是那颗把我送到监狱里的 and the bullet that lands me in jail...
[03:30.68]确是那颗在我弟弟肋骨下的子弹 is found under my dead brother’s rib6.
[03:34.81]尤里·奥洛夫 Yuri Orlov.
[03:36.84]我是美国烟酒枪械管理署的 We’re with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
[03:39.91]让我猜一猜 Let me guess.
[03:40.84]这一定不是关于烟和酒 This is not about the alcohol or the tobacco.
[04:06.14]克里米亚餐馆 Crimean Restaurant.
[04:07.64]爸爸? Papa?
[04:16.08]我两个儿子都已经死了 Both my sons are dead.
[04:21.58]生活中有两种悲惨的事 There are only two tragedies in life.
[04:24.41]一种是你想要的得不到 One is not getting what you want.
[04:26.78]另一种是你得到了 The other is getting it.
[04:28.21]这是不是你的? Is this one of yours?
[04:29.28]杰克·范伦提终于得到了他想要的 Jack7 Valentine finally had what he wanted.
[04:32.31]真奇怪,死亡证明书上写他死于心脏衰竭 Curiously8, the death certificate says he died of heart failure.