


时间:2016-03-28 12:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:09.68]因为你已经没时间了 Because you dont have long. [01:11.78]你在注意听吗? Are you paying attention? [01:14.34]还是你在做梦? Or are you delusional4? [01:16.94]你已经违反了每一条法律 You have broken ever
  •   [01:09.68]因为你已经没时间了 Because you don’t have long.
      [01:11.78]你在注意听吗? Are you paying attention?
      [01:14.34]还是你在做梦? Or are you delusional4?
      [01:16.94]你已经违反了每一条法律 You have broken every arms embargo5 written.
      [01:20.41]我们有足够的证据来判你终身监禁 There is enough here to put you away for consecutive6 life sentences.
      [01:24.84]在你真正进监狱之前 You are going to spend the next ten years of your life
      [01:26.64]你会花十年时间 going from a cell to a courtroom before you even start
      [01:30.11]在监狱和法院之间穿梭 serving your time.
      [01:34.24]我想你没有真正认识到 I don’t think you fully7 appreciate the seriousness...
      [01:36.84]这个问题的严重性 ...of your situation.
      [01:48.64]我的家人不认我了 My family has disowned me.
      [01:52.88]我的妻子和孩子离开了我 My wife and son have left me.
      [01:58.61]我的弟弟死了 My brother’s dead.
      [02:01.14]相信我 Trust me.
      [02:02.78]我很真正认识到这个问题的严重性 I fully appreciate the seriousness of my situation.
      [02:06.61]我敢对你发誓 But I promise you,
      [02:08.81]我不会在法院里呆上一秒钟 I won’t spend a single second in a courtroom.
      [02:12.64]你是在做梦 You are delusional.
      [02:14.78]我喜欢你杰克 I like you, Jack8.
      [02:17.21]不,也许不是,但是我了解你 Well, maybe not, but I understand you.
      [02:24.44]让我来告诉你将会发生什么 Let me tell you what’s gonna happen.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      战争之王      

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