[00:49.04]Never work for your former spouse2. 切勿为前度配偶工作 [00:51.12]You cooked this story up, and you know it! 你捏造这篇报导! [00:51.60]That has nothing to do with it. 与那件事无关 [00:55.32]I did not cook anyt...
[04:48.08]Call me a sentimental17 fool, but I hoped we man-eaters could stick together. 吾辈悍妇亦应群策群力矣! [04:52.36]Anyway, Im just dropping you big-city folk this little note... 我想敬告大城市的居民 [04:53.76]to...
[03:58.76](Maggies Voice) Dear Editor: Greetings from the sticks. 编辑雅鉴: 乡村弱女有事讨教 [04:03.92]Perhaps you believe that a rural education is focused mainly... 台端谅必以为乡间教育 [04:07.84]on hog15 calling a...
[02:40.60]What? 怎么啦? [02:43.12]So, Mag, youve seen this, huh? 美姬,你看过这篇专栏了吗? [02:45.04]Yes, Ive seen it. 我看过了 [02:49.12]And it is the rudest, most offensive... 这篇是最粗鄙最狂妄的狗屁文章 [0...
[01:33.88]his dot, dot, dot... never mind. 这一点不提也罢了 [01:35.64]In Indonesia, the bloody-jawed man-eater is called Ragma. 在印尼,这种悍妇名叫灵马 [01:38.72]You notice these are all countries without cable. 这些国家...
[00:51.52]when every time I step out my front door, 每次我踏足户外时 [00:52.48]But how can one blame me 但怎可以怪责我呢 [00:54.88]I meet fresh proof that the female archetypes are alive and well. 都会见到女士朝气勃勃...
[04:43.40]Ike. 艾基 [04:44.88]But you have yet to find a really superb idea. 你总得找个妙绝人寰的题材才行 [04:50.44]Theres a girl from my hometown that you could write about. 可以写一写我家乡的一个少女 [04:52.64...
[03:59.96]- I bet its your ex-wife. - (Man) Excuse me. 一定是你前妻打来的 [04:02.16]Ive seen much worse. 更糟的我都见过 [04:04.16](Bartender) No, Ikes not here. 艾基不在这里 [04:06.36]I say, Ive seen much worse. 我刚说...
[03:05.48]You know, till an hour or two before deadline, I dont get any ideas. 截稿前一个小时我还未有题材 [03:11.68]So you get your ideas for your column from life. 那你专栏的题材是来自生活片段 [03:16.12]Start up...
[02:08.04]All right, cool. Ill talk to you later. 好,给我回电吧 [02:10.84]Excuse me. Im thinking of doing an article about limousines1. 我想写一篇关于汽车的专栏 [02:14.12]What do you think about people whove never been in...