[02:08.04]All right, cool. I’ll talk to you later. 好,给我回电吧
[02:10.84]Excuse me. I’m thinking of doing an article about limousines1. 我想写一篇关于汽车的专栏
[02:14.12]What do you think about people who’ve never been in one? 未坐过汽车的人会有什么感受?
[02:14.48]I don’t know people like that. 未坐过汽车的人我倒从未见过
[02:19.68]I need someone to bounce some ideas off of and get the juices flowing. 我只是想听取一些意见
[02:22.08]I got one hour, 27 minutes, 52 seconds. 1个钟头27分52秒就要交稿
[02:26.00]- When your T-shirts stop shrinking. 等你卖的T恤不再缩水啦
[02:26.44]Hey, Ike! When are you gonna put me in a column? 你几时才在专栏写我啊?
[02:30.04]- (Woman) Shrinks? 缩水?
[02:30.80]He’s just kidding. -Oh, forget it. 他说笑而已
[02:31.48]-Funny. He’s kidding. 说得妙
[02:33.96]- Here, give me $5. 来,五块钱吧
[02:34.36]Give me $2. - (Woman) No way. 两块钱
[02:35.84]Folks, I got nice shirts here. 各位,我的T恤很精美
[02:38.56]"I love everybody. You’re next." “我肯跟大家好,下一个轮到你”
[02:39.24]Look! 看啊…
[02:56.68]So what’s in store for us in tomorrow’s column? 你明天的专栏谈什么?
[03:00.88](Groans) I don’t know yet. I’m, uh, kind of a last-minute man. 我还未知道 我要等到最后一分钟才行事的