


时间:2016-05-20 12:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:40.60]What? 怎么啦? [02:43.12]So, Mag, youve seen this, huh? 美姬,你看过这篇专栏了吗? [02:45.04]Yes, Ive seen it. 我看过了 [02:49.12]And it is the rudest, most offensive... 这篇是最粗鄙最狂妄的狗屁文章 [0
  •   [02:40.60]What? 怎么啦?
      [02:43.12]So, Mag, you’ve seen this, huh? 美姬,你看过这篇专栏了吗?
      [02:45.04]Yes, I’ve seen it. 我看过了
      [02:49.12]And it is the rudest, most offensive... 这篇是最粗鄙最狂妄的狗屁文章
      [02:52.28]joke anyone has ever played on me! 从未有人敢这样戏弄本姑娘的
      [02:54.48]You guys, 你们两个啊
      [02:57.04]You’re both creeps, 你们两个真是诡计多端
      [02:57.68]how long did this take you? Where did you get it done? 你们在哪里造一份假报纸作弄我
      [03:00.44]by the way. I should "disinvite" you. 我不该请你俩参加我的婚礼
      [03:00.52]Maggie, you told us no bachelorette jokes, so we didn’t-- 我们并非造一份假报纸开你玩笑
      [03:10.00]Holy moly. 老天
      [03:18.72]- She’s going. She’s gonna go! 她快要晕倒了
      [03:18.76]- Bag. Bag!  快拿袋来
      [03:21.00]Here’s the bag.  袋子在这儿
      [03:22.60](Female Singer) ∮ Ready, ready, ready, ready ∮
      [03:23.24]Breathe! 呼吸吧
      [03:27.36]∮ All I’m ready to do is have some fun ∮
      [03:27.68]∮ Ready to run ∮
      [03:32.40]∮ What’s all this talk about love ∮
      [03:44.20]On the local front, our town of Hale, Maryland, is still buzzing about the less-than-flattering article... 马里兰州的人还在议论纷纷
      [03:47.68]about their native daughter, Maggie Carpenter. 谈论那篇描写卡美姬的专栏文章
      [03:53.04]Her bridal exploits were taken to task... 专栏名作家甘艾基
      [03:54.52]by New York columnist14 Ike Graham in USA Today. 勾勒出美姬做新娘时所做过的事

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