


时间:2016-05-20 12:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:51.52]when every time I step out my front door, 每次我踏足户外时 [00:52.48]But how can one blame me 但怎可以怪责我呢 [00:54.88]I meet fresh proof that the female archetypes are alive and well. 都会见到女士朝气勃勃
  •   [00:51.52]when every time I step out my front door, 每次我踏足户外时
      [00:52.48]"But how can one blame me 但怎可以怪责我呢
      [00:54.88]I meet fresh proof that the female archetypes are alive and well." 都会见到女士朝气勃勃神采飞扬
      [00:59.68]"The mother, the virgin6, 母亲啦,处女啦
      [01:00.64]the whore, the crone." 青楼妓女啦,丑老太婆啦
      [01:02.12]"They’re elbowing you in the subway, stealing your cabs, 她们在地铁用手肘撞你
      [01:04.84]and overwhelming you with perfume in elevators." 她们在电梯用香水薰你
      [01:08.72]"But perhaps in fairness to the fairer sex, 公平点说,女性也有清丽温纯的
      [01:09.08]I do need to broaden my horizon and add some new goddesses to the pantheon." 我愿在圣殿上增添一些新女神
      [01:13.64]"I would like to nominate for deity7 the cheerleader, the coed... 我会增添一些啦啦队队员
      [01:16.92]and the man-eater, the last of which concerns me most today." 加上俏佳人,雌老虎
      [01:20.52]"In ancient Greece, this fearsome female was known as Erinys, 最后提到的悍妇正是今天要谈的 在古希腊 这位可怕的女性就是依理逆司
      [01:24.92]the devouring9 death goddess." 是三位复仇女神的总称
      [01:28.48]who likes to devour8 her boyfriend Shiva’s entrails..." 是印度教毁灭主神湿婆的女助手
      [01:28.88]"In India, she is Kali, 在印度,她名叫卡莉
      [01:29.44]"while her yoni devours10 而女神能用阴道吞噬他那话儿

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