[01:33.88]his dot, dot, dot... never mind." 这一点不提也罢了
[01:35.64]"In Indonesia, the bloody-jawed man-eater is called Ragma." 在印尼,这种悍妇名叫灵马
[01:38.72]You notice these are all countries without cable. 这些国家都是没有有线电视的
[01:42.76]"And in Hale, Maryland, 在马里兰州
[01:47.84]she is known as Miss Maggie Carpenter, 她名叫卡美姬
[01:51.16]a.k.a. the Runaway11 Bride." 绰号是“逃跑新娘”
[01:52.04]"What is unusual about Miss Carpenter... 这位卡小姐异乎常人之处就是…
[01:56.44]is that she likes to dress her men up as grooms12 before she devours them." 先把她的男友装扮成新郎
[01:59.72]One antique hot-water handle with the "hot" still on it. 才把他们吞掉 古董式水龙头刻上一个“热”字
[02:04.08]Guaranteed to fit any American Standard cast-iron tub... 保证适合任何钢铁造的浴缸
[02:07.36]with a four-inch center mount 长四寸
[02:08.56]made between 1924 and 1938. 可嵌在二、三十年代制造的浴缸
[02:12.64]In other words, Mr. Paxton, 柏士顿先生
[02:13.08]I think you are out of the doghouse with Mrs. Paxton. 你不必再跟太太起争执了
[02:16.96]Hallelujah! I’ll see you later. I’ll put it on your charge. 感谢天主,那太好了
[02:17.16]There’s a possibility she hasn’t seen this yet. 我给你挂帐吧 美姬可能还未看到这个专栏
[02:23.72]Maybe she just hasn’t picked up a paper. Know what I mean? 或许她连报纸也没时间看
[02:26.08]- Or not. - (Man)Maggie? 不会吧
[02:30.72]Earl, you don’t need an air-conditioner. You need an attic13 fan. 你用不着安装冷气机
[02:31.68]There’s more in the back. Hey. 你用电风扇就行了