


时间:2016-05-20 12:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:05.48]You know, till an hour or two before deadline, I dont get any ideas. 截稿前一个小时我还未有题材 [03:11.68]So you get your ideas for your column from life. 那你专栏的题材是来自生活片段 [03:16.12]Start up
  •   [03:05.48]You know, till an hour or two before deadline, I don’t get any ideas. 截稿前一个小时我还未有题材
      [03:11.68]So you get your ideas for your column from life. 那你专栏的题材是来自生活片段
      [03:16.12]Start up a conversation with a woman in a bar. 例如在酒吧向女人搭讪
      [03:16.44]Attack her dart2 playing 批评她只会掷飞镖
      [03:19.80]and try to get a rise out of her... 在她沉思时故意触怒她
      [03:20.20]while you contemplate3 whether or not she’s worth hitting on. 或者看看能否搭上她
      [03:22.60]No, I can’t hit on you till I get an idea. 我未有题材前连你也不想搭上
      [03:26.60]Wh-- That’s flattering. 你倒很口甜舌滑
      [03:27.24](Ike) No, you don’t understand. 不,你搞不清楚了
      [03:30.04]I understand. See, 我搞得很清楚
      [03:31.32]my not responding to you baiting me... 我不肯让你搭上我
      [03:34.64]will inspire one of those bitter diatribes4 you like to write about women. 会令你在专栏里大肆抨击女性
      [03:38.12](Ike)I don’t write bitter diatribes about women. 抨击女性的文章嘛
      [03:40.04]- Oh-ho. - Very often. 我是很少写的
      [03:43.76]I could. 其实我也懂得写
      [03:44.08]Only when the ideas aren’t flowing, huh? 只是在思路不通畅时才抨击吧?
      [03:46.68]It’s so nice to meet you, one-minute man. 一分钟先生,幸会了
      [03:47.80]It’s last-minute man. 是最后一分钟,别混淆啊
      [03:52.40]Whatever. 随你怎样说吧
      [03:53.68]Want to hear something funny? For a good-looking guy, you strike out a lot.Have you noticed that?  你样貌一流,但泡妞九流

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