[02:39.22]- The teas cold. - Good. 茶都快变冻了 [02:40.58]May I have a word with you, please? 我可以单独与你一谈吗? [02:41.22]Could you excuse us for a minute? 不好意思 [02:44.10]Oh. Bye, Netta. Bye. 再见,妮妲 [02:47...
[01:44.42]You cant believe how much cake we got stuck with! 我积存了数不清的结婚蛋糕 [01:45.34]and no I dos. 其中是有原因的 [01:49.70]Its a wonder I dont weigh 300 pounds! 我没有变成大肥婆已算奇迹了 [01:49.78...
[00:46.50]But she focuses too much out there. 但她太专注于对外 [00:49.18]She needs to start focusing more in here. 她需要专注对内了 [00:50.34]Thats why I think shes had, uh, whatever you wanna call em-- problems in the past....
[01:31.80]Thats gotta be better than fine. Yeah. 不只蛮不错了吧 [01:37.08]Come on, now. Admire me. 向我表示倾慕吧 [01:39.08]Get the whole picture. Right? 幻想我在教堂时的艳光四射 [01:42.28]Im gonna have my hair up...
[00:04.72]- Mrs. Whittenheimer? 威太! [00:04.84]- Meyer. Whittenmeyer. 我叫韦太 [00:07.80]Could I talk to you just for a second? 我可以跟你谈一谈吗? [00:09.84]Come here. I dont know much about this kind of thing. 我不知道是...
[03:58.12]- Hi, Polly. 嗨,宝莉 [03:59.24]- Hi, Maggie. 嗨,美姬 [04:01.04]since you dragged that little boy up the aisle4. 你在教堂逃跑时把小男孩拖倒了 [04:05.20]Drag-- No. I didnt, I didnt-- 拖倒?不,我没有 [04:07.2...
[02:51.52]Dont look so surprised. 别大惊小怪嘛 [02:53.72]Youve got divorce written all over you. 谁都看得出你是离过婚的人啦 [02:57.52]Im a work-in-progress. 我一直很努力 [02:59.72]So, is that what you said to her? 你...
[01:39.44]Wait, wait. Wait, dont tell me. 别,让我猜一猜 [01:43.36]The scoreboard lit up with 当时计分牌闪出这六个字 [01:44.56]Marry me, Maggie. 美姬,嫁给我吧! [01:47.84]It was one of the most wonderful moments of my l...
[01:39.44]Wait, wait. Wait, dont tell me. 别,让我猜一猜 [01:43.36]The scoreboard lit up with 当时计分牌闪出这六个字 [01:44.56]Marry me, Maggie. 美姬,嫁给我吧! [01:47.84]It was one of the most wonderful moments of my l...
[00:42.00]A lamp tree. 灯树 [00:44.00]Thats great. 很棒哟 [00:46.00]- Is this-- Thats your preferred logo? 这是你的商标吗? [00:47.40]- I think so. 大概是吧 [00:49.88]Its nice. The whole thing is great. 都很精彩 [00:52.16...