[02:51.52]Don’t look so surprised. 别大惊小怪嘛
[02:53.72]You’ve got "divorce" written all over you. 谁都看得出你是离过婚的人啦
[02:57.52]I’m a work-in-progress. 我一直很努力
[02:59.72]So, is that what you said to her? 你是这样子对她说?
[03:01.08]No. I think I said something very eloquent2 like, 不,我当年口才非常好,我是说:
[03:04.36]"So, um, “也许…”
[03:08.52]"maybe you and I should, you know-- “你和我都应该,你明白啦…”
[03:11.64]What do you think? Huh?’’ “你觉得怎样?说呀!”
[03:15.68]Now, that’s romantic. 这样讲才浪漫嘛
[03:16.28]And with a proposal like that, 你用这种求婚方法
[03:19.28]you didn’t find eternal bliss3? What went wrong? 竟然也不能白头偕老? 出了什么岔子啊?
[03:22.96]I don’t know. 我不晓得
[03:24.96]- You don’t know? - No. 你不晓得?
[03:27.52]Maybe you should ask her sometime. Ever thought of that? 不晓得 试问问她吧,你有这样想过吗?
[03:43.80](Maggie) Even with everything that’s happened, I have still never been married. 自此我一直都没有结婚了
[03:48.32]And I still deserve a beautiful dress. 我该有一件漂亮的结婚礼服的
[03:52.36]- Mrs. Whittenmeyer? 韦太?
[03:56.08]Where are you going? 你跑去哪儿呀?
[03:58.04]You’ll have to excuse her. Some of the children are afraid of you... 她只是一见你就害怕