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  • [电影台词背单词] 《字典情人》电影台词(27) 日期:2015-05-11 20:46:40 点击:121 好评:0

    [00:49.40]I dont suppose you do. 我觉得你也不会知道的 [00:50.88]Well, what is it like? 那 爱是什么? [00:53.64]Well, its, um... 啊 就是 [00:59.52]its companionship, 爱就是友谊 [01:01.64]fellow feeling. 同情 [01:03.00...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《字典情人》电影台词(26) 日期:2015-05-11 20:45:57 点击:161 好评:0

    [00:02.20]If you want a child properly educated, 如果你像一个孩子受到很好的教育 [00:02.44]youve got to send them back home. 最好把他送回家 [00:04.16]But you cant be in two places at once. 但你又不能同时在两个地...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《字典情人》电影台词(25) 日期:2015-05-11 20:45:29 点击:200 好评:0

    [03:40.08]You can tell by the turquoise2 bracelet3. 从她的绿色手镯可以看出来 [03:42.76]I studied them. 我研究过他们 [03:49.20]She was bleeding through her skin. 她的皮肤在流血 [03:52.80]Come away and wash your hands...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《字典情人》电影台词(24) 日期:2015-05-11 20:45:00 点击:110 好评:0

    [01:58.88]So if I decide for one side or the other, 如果我为这方或那方决定了 [01:60.16]itll just seem unfair to them. 对他们都是不公平的 [02:16.88]Pull! 拉 [02:29.48]Would you mind? Thats it, perfect. Thank you. 你不介...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《字典情人》电影台词(23) 日期:2015-05-11 20:44:10 点击:196 好评:0

    [00:13.08]What happened to the spirits of your country? 你的国家精神怎么了? [00:17.68]They grew old and tired and packed their bags and left for England. 他们又老又累 收拾包裹回英格兰了 [01:09.04]This is a land dispu...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《字典情人》电影台词(22) 日期:2015-05-11 20:43:32 点击:84 好评:0

    [03:52.96]he would never let that get in the way 他都不能让这些搀杂进 [03:55.48]of his duty to the local people. 他对当地人民的职责中 [03:57.48]My Iban wouldnt think less of an officer-- 我的依班人并不会比一个官...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《字典情人》电影台词(21) 日期:2015-05-11 20:43:00 点击:66 好评:0

    [03:08.64]were given a young woman from the local head-hunting tribes 当地部落首领就会给他们一个年轻女人 [03:10.52]to share their bed... 跟他们睡觉 [03:15.92]so they could learn the language quickly. 那样他们的语言...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《字典情人》电影台词(20) 日期:2015-05-11 20:42:30 点击:159 好评:0

    [02:24.04]But I always remembered them. 但我会一直记得他们的 [02:25.52]The way youd never see them arrive, 你从不会注意他们的来到 [02:29.96]but then suddenly there theyd be, standing2 beside you 但他们突然就在那里...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《字典情人》电影台词(19) 日期:2015-05-11 20:41:39 点击:74 好评:0

    [02:59.12]Neck. 脖子 [03:13.00]Lips. 嘴唇 [03:47.12]Breast. 胸部 [04:24.88]I-Im sorry. 对对不起 [04:25.36]That was too quick, wasnt it? 太快了 是不是? [04:28.24]You teach me English, Ill teach you this. 你教我英语 我教你...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《字典情人》电影台词(18) 日期:2015-05-11 20:41:03 点击:197 好评:0

    [01:02.08]Blind, legless, daft, sick, smelly drunk. 烂醉如泥 [01:14.12]My mother read that to me. 我母亲给我读过 [01:14.20]My father read it to me. 我父亲给我读过 [01:18.08]Do you remember your father? 你记得你父亲?...

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