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时间:2015-05-11 20:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:24.04]But I always remembered them. 但我会一直记得他们的 [02:25.52]The way youd never see them arrive, 你从不会注意他们的来到 [02:29.96]but then suddenly there theyd be, standing2 beside you 但他们突然就在那里
  •   [02:24.04]But I always remembered them. 但我会一直记得他们的
      [02:25.52]The way you’d never see them arrive, 你从不会注意他们的来到
      [02:29.96]but then suddenly there they’d be, standing2 beside you 但他们突然就在那里了,站在你身边
      [02:32.00]as if they’d been there since... 就好像他们从时间一开始
      [02:32.76]time began. 就在那里
      [02:35.12]Although, for them, of course, time only began 53 years ago. 尽管 对他们来说 时间仅仅从53年前才开始
      [02:39.64]- Really? - Yes, the year Krakatoa exploded. -真的? -是的 卡拉卡托火山爆发的那年
      [02:43.08]- That’s their year zero. - Is that true? -那年是他们的纪元0年 -是吗?
      [02:46.08]How the deuce do you know that? 你是怎么知道这个?
      [02:47.40]- Well, I listen. - Do you now? -哦 听说的 -你现在…?
      [02:52.72]Well, I can’t wait to get stuck in and meet the Iban. 我都快等不及去见见这些依班人了
      [02:57.12]chap I told you about. 我跟你说过的
      [02:58.72]Went doolally and ate his own toes.
      [03:01.68]I’ll tell you something I bet you don’t know. 我要告诉你些东西  我打赌你从来没听过
      [03:03.76]Back in Victorian times, the young officers coming out here 早在维多利亚时代 年轻的官员来到这里后

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
