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时间:2015-05-11 20:43来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:08.64]were given a young woman from the local head-hunting tribes 当地部落首领就会给他们一个年轻女人 [03:10.52]to share their bed... 跟他们睡觉 [03:15.92]so they could learn the language quickly. 那样他们的语言
  •   [03:08.64]were given a young woman from the local head-hunting tribes 当地部落首领就会给他们一个年轻女人
      [03:10.52]to share their bed... 跟他们睡觉
      [03:15.92]so they could learn the language quickly. 那样他们的语言学习的快
      [03:17.20]I hardly think so, darling. 我可不大这样想 亲爱的
      [03:19.68]Now you are having us on, aren’t you? 你现在有我们 是吧
      [03:24.76]No, that’s true. 不,那是真的
      [03:27.52]I’ve heard tell of it from a very old Iban. 我听一个很老的依班人说起过
      [03:28.92]- See? - Well... -是吗? -啊…
      [03:30.20]if it did exist, I’m sure it was purely3 就算确实存在 我觉得也一定是
      [03:35.12]a matter of convenience and no... 为了某种方便 并没有
      [03:35.20]higher feelings were involved. 什么更深的感情牵扯在内
      [03:39.96]- Don’t see why. - Surely you can’t seriously believe -为什么没有? -当然你不能相信
      [03:43.72]that a primitive4 head-huntress 一个原始部落女子
      [03:45.92]and an English officer could experience love. 和一个英国官员产生真爱
      [03:49.88]Not love, maybe, 不是爱 也许吧
      [03:49.88]but I’m sure they could feel a great deal. 但我确信他们能感觉到很多
      [03:52.40]Whatever an Englishman felt, 无论一个英国人感觉到什么

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
