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时间:2015-05-11 20:46来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:49.40]I dont suppose you do. 我觉得你也不会知道的 [00:50.88]Well, what is it like? 那 爱是什么? [00:53.64]Well, its, um... 啊 就是 [00:59.52]its companionship, 爱就是友谊 [01:01.64]fellow feeling. 同情 [01:03.00
  •   [00:49.40]I don’t suppose you do. 我觉得你也不会知道的
      [00:50.88]Well, what is it like? 那 爱是什么?
      [00:53.64]Well, it’s, um... 啊 就是 …
      [00:59.52]it’s companionship, 爱就是友谊
      [01:01.64]fellow feeling. 同情
      [01:03.00]Now listen, 听着
      [01:04.20]you want these schools for the Iban. 你想这些给依班人的学校
      [01:08.88]Henry’ll help you. I’ll see to that. 亨利会帮你的 我负责这个事
      [01:09.44]So... 那么…
      [01:11.72]what do you say? 你认为怎样?
      [01:15.16]I’m not really sure. This is all rather sudden. 我不大确定  这太突然了
      [01:19.32]Neville’s asked her to marry him. 耐维尔向他求过婚
      [01:23.80]She’ll be gone by the time you get back from your trip 你回来时她就会走了
      [01:25.08]and you won’t see her for two years. 你会两年看不到她
      [01:37.52]I’m sorry about this afternoon. 对不起 今天下午的事
      [01:40.36]I should have stopped her sooner. 我应该阻止她的
      [01:43.76]Selima? 塞丽玛?
      [01:45.12]You had other lovers3 before me, didn’t you? 你在我之前有过其他情人,是吗?
      [01:47.84]Did you and they have what we have? 你们有没有做我们我们做的事?
      [01:50.60]Yes. 是的
      [01:52.60]They were men like you. 他们是像你一样的男人
      [01:56.96]But... 可是
      [01:58.44]I thought we had something special. 我觉得我们有些东西不一样

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
