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时间:2015-05-11 20:45来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.20]If you want a child properly educated, 如果你像一个孩子受到很好的教育 [00:02.44]youve got to send them back home. 最好把他送回家 [00:04.16]But you cant be in two places at once. 但你又不能同时在两个地
  •   [00:02.20]If you want a child properly educated, 如果你像一个孩子受到很好的教育
      [00:02.44]you’ve got to send them back home. 最好把他送回家
      [00:04.16]But you can’t be in two places at once. 但你又不能同时在两个地方
      [00:09.92]And I thought it was my duty... 我想我的职责就是
      [00:11.60]to stay with Henry. 很亨利在一起
      [00:12.88]Yes. 是的
      [00:16.80]But they’ve done a terrific1 job on her. 可是他们在她身上的工作可令人害怕
      [00:16.88]We’re delighted. 我们很快乐
      [00:18.64]She knows all sorts of things. 她知道各种事情
      [00:22.24]And it means she’s turned out very self-sufficient, very capable2. 这就意味着她变得的很自信 很能干
      [00:26.12]Exactly the sort of girl one wants to marry out here, 就像那种想嫁到这里的女孩
      [00:29.80]not some flimsy little miss who’s never left England. 而不是那种从没有离开英国的小家碧玉
      [00:33.16]she’s ever so fond of you. 她相当的喜欢你
      [00:33.60]And of course... 当然
      [00:40.24]Well, she’s lovely, like you say. 是的 她很可爱 就像你说的
      [00:42.92]But I’m not sure that I... 但我还不确定我…
      [00:46.80]Love her? 爱她?
      [00:46.80]I don’t think I knew what love was when I was your age. 我想我在你这个年龄时 也不知道爱是什么

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
