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时间:2015-05-11 20:45来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:40.08]You can tell by the turquoise2 bracelet3. 从她的绿色手镯可以看出来 [03:42.76]I studied them. 我研究过他们 [03:49.20]She was bleeding through her skin. 她的皮肤在流血 [03:52.80]Come away and wash your hands
  •   [03:40.08]You can tell by the turquoise2 bracelet3. 从她的绿色手镯可以看出来
      [03:42.76]I studied them. 我研究过他们
      [03:49.20]She was bleeding through her skin. 她的皮肤在流血
      [03:52.80]Come away and wash your hands. 快离开这里 去洗洗手
      [03:54.28]There’s a dozen more dead bodies turned up at Laksai, 在拉克赛发现了10多具死尸
      [03:58.08]50 miles out of their territory. 离他们的地区有50英里远
      [03:60.16]I’d better go up river and have a look, hadn’t I? 我最好顺河而上去看看 是吧
      [04:02.24]No, you hadn’t! 不 你不能去
      [04:03.44]It’s dangerous enough up there without an epidemic4. 就算没有传染病 那里也够危险的
      [04:08.40]That’s my job. 这是我的工作
      [04:10.28]They’ll have your head as soon as look at you. 他们一看到你就会砍了你的头
      [04:11.40]Besides he doesn’t speak the language. 而且他也不懂他们说的话
      [04:13.36]Well, I’ll take Selima. 好吧 我带着塞丽玛
      [04:16.44]She speaks half a dozen languages. 她会说好几种语言
      [04:19.96]And Belansai, no one’s going to tangle5 with him. 还有贝莱塞 没有能打的过他
      [04:22.32]Send that idiot Shipperly. 让那个傻瓜希珀理去吧
      [04:23.60]A few poisoned darts6 might liven him up. 带毒的飞镖会要了他的命
      [04:26.96]I’ll set out tomorrow morning, shall I? 我明天早上出发好不好?
      [04:30.16]Aggie, I can’t send Shipperly. 安琪 我不能让希珀理去
      [04:33.32]You said yourself the man’s an idiot... 你自己说过那人是个傻瓜
      [04:39.92]If you’re about to be killed, at least stay for dinner. 如果你要去送死  起码留下吃顿晚饭再走
      [04:51.80]Terrific girl, Cecil. Isn’t she? 赛希尔很令人害怕,是不是?
      [04:56.68]Absolutely, yeah. 绝对的 是的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
