
  • [爱情盛宴] 《爱情盛宴》电影台词(5) 日期:2017-10-17 12:13:24 点击:128 好评:0

    [02:00.40]Funny thing is, nobody noticed. 有趣的是,没有人察觉到 [02:06.40]Not even the husband, two feet away. 连她的丈夫也没有察觉,虽然就在旁边 [02:07.40](CHUCKLES) - 我竟然错过了,真遗憾 - 我想她的...

  • [爱情盛宴] 《爱情盛宴》电影台词(4) 日期:2017-10-17 12:13:04 点击:68 好评:0

    [00:33.56]I agree. 没错 [00:35.56](TURN PLAYING) [00:38.88](INDISTINCT CHATTERING) [00:40.72]I want to see i我想看看/i [00:43.04]- Hi. - Hi. - 嗨 - 嗨 [00:46.40]What people saw i人们看到了什么/i [00:47.20]I want to feel i我想感...

  • [爱情盛宴] 《爱情盛宴》电影台词(3) 日期:2017-10-17 12:12:32 点击:169 好评:0

    [04:36.40]Because were hot. 那是因为我们火辣 [04:39.40]Oh! [04:41.20]Hmm! - 嘿,打得太棒了 - 谢谢 [04:42.88]- Hey, that was a great play. - Thank you. [04:46.88]Join us. Sit down. 坐过来吧,跟我们一起 [04:47.72]- Y...

  • [爱情盛宴] 《爱情盛宴》电影台词(2) 日期:2017-10-17 12:12:07 点击:65 好评:0

    [03:36.04]BRADLEY: Wait for your pitch, sweetie. 等着你的投掷,亲爱的 [03:40.40]Yeah! 对了!对了!来个二垒打 [03:41.88]- There it is! There it is! Okay, take two! - JENNY: Gray! Melissa! [03:42.04]- BRADLEY: There you go...

  • [爱情盛宴] 《爱情盛宴》电影台词(1) 日期:2017-10-17 12:11:02 点击:97 好评:0

    [00:46.72]片名:《爱情盛宴》 [01:39.20]- ESTHER: Harry 1 ? - Its all right, Esther. - 哈里? - 没事,埃丝特 [01:42.04]I cant sleep. 我睡不着 [02:07.72]HARRY. ; There is a story about the Greek gods. 有个关于希腊神灵...
