


时间:2017-10-23 12:38来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:05.90]You are not to blame her for your miserable 4 life. 你不能把你悲惨的生活归罪于她 [03:06.06]You do, and Ill kill you myself. I swear it. Now get the hell out of here. Go on! 如果你在骚扰她,我发誓我会杀了你
  • [03:05.90]You are not to blame her for your miserable4 life. 你不能把你悲惨的生活归罪于她
    [03:06.06]You do, and I'll kill you myself. I swear it. Now get the hell out of here. Go on! 如果你在骚扰她,我发誓我会杀了你 现在给我滚!
    [03:20.38]Harry? 哈里?
    [03:21.06]- It was the Bat, wasn't it? - It's all right. He's gone. - 是巴特,对吧? - 没事了,他跑了
    [03:31.06]- You okay? - Yeah. - 你还好吧? - 好
    [03:44.54]Chloe... 克洛伊…
    [03:50.90]You asked me if Esther and I would be your parents. 你问过我埃丝特和我是否想做你的父母
    [04:00.22]I thought you were just being kind to an old man 我以为你只是对一个老人表示好心
    [04:05.22]after I told you about the death of my son, 因为我告诉你我儿子的死
    [04:11.06]so I didn't answer. 因此我没有回答
    [04:14.22]And I didn't know that you already knew that terrible things were going to happen. 我并不知道你已经知道 那可怕的事情将会发生
    [04:27.70]Esther and I want you to come and live with us. 埃丝特和我想你跟我们一起住
    [04:31.22]Be our little girl. 做我们的小女孩
    [04:41.06]Say yes. 说“好”
    [04:46.06]Please say yes. 请说“好”
    [04:47.70]Yes. 好
    [04:51.90]Yes. 好
    [05:02.22]Yes. 好
    [05:02.70]Esther and I will give you and your baby all the love we have left to give. 埃丝特和我会给你和你的宝宝所有 我们没有给出去的爱
    [05:12.90]Let's go home. 我们回家吧
    [05:20.54]HARRY. ; The unexpected is always upon us. 世事难料
    [05:24.22]And of all the gifts arrayed before me, 我得到的所有礼物之中
    [05:26.70]this one thought at this moment in my life is the most precious. 我生命中的这一刻这一想法是最珍贵的
    [05:34.38]And so, we begin again. 就这样,我们又有了新的开始

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱情盛宴      

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