


时间:2017-10-17 12:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:29.04]I had this dream one night while I was wasted. 一天晚上,我太累睡着了梦见 [04:34.72]There was this African monkey whispering all this creepy shit in my ear. 一只非洲猴子在我耳边叽里咕噜个不停 [04:42.04
  • [04:29.04]I had this dream one night while I was wasted. 一天晚上,我太累睡着了梦见
    [04:34.72]There was this African monkey whispering all this creepy shit in my ear. 一只非洲猴子在我耳边叽里咕噜个不停
    [04:42.04]He said that if I didn't get clean I was gonna die young, 他说如果我不戒掉,我会早逝的
    [04:46.88]OD in an alleyway on a pile of garbage. 在小巷垃圾堆上死于过量毒品
    [04:56.88]And that morning I woke up and I went to my first meeting. 早上醒来,我就去戒毒
    [00:03.40]It was seven months and two weeks ago. 那是七个月两个星期前
    [00:08.88]I can prove it. I got my six-month chip. 我可以证明,我有一个六个月的芯片
    [00:20.04]Cool. 酷
    [00:22.04]It doesn't scare you? 有没有吓着你?
    [00:26.72]Most junkies, you know, even if they never use again, 大部分吸毒者,即使他们不再吸毒了
    [00:33.88]it doesn't matter. It's too late. 也不重要了,太晚了
    [00:38.72]They're just gone, you know, permanent zombies. 他们无可挽救,永远都是怪癖的
    [00:43.88]But then there's junkies where all the horrible places they've been, 但同时有些吸毒者 他们去过的所有可怕的地方
    [00:47.72]all the horrible shit they've done, 他们做过的所有可怕的事情
    [00:52.40]the fact that they come back from it 但他们回头是岸
    [00:54.72]makes them better people than if they'd never used in the first place. 这让他们变成更优秀的人 比当初从没有吸毒过更好
    [01:03.56]That's you. 那就是你
    [01:27.04]Hey, where's the little girl's room? 嘿,女孩用的房间在哪?
    [01:29.88]Across the hall. 穿过厅
    [01:32.04]Okay. 好的
    [01:42.40]Oh, shit! 噢,糟糕
    [01:44.20](BANGING ON DOOR) 奥斯卡!该死的,你把那女孩带走
    [01:45.40]Oscar! Goddamn it! You get that girl out of your room, Oscar!
    [01:48.04]Get the fuck away! 滚他妈的蛋!
    [01:49.40]BAT: You do it right now, damn1 it! Do you hear me? 你马上带她走,该死!你听到没有?
    [01:50.40]I should have warned you. I didn't think he'd be back this early. 我该警告你,我想不到他会回来这么早

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱情盛宴      

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