


时间:2017-10-17 12:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:36.40]Because were hot. 那是因为我们火辣 [04:39.40]Oh! [04:41.20]Hmm! - 嘿,打得太棒了 - 谢谢 [04:42.88]- Hey, that was a great play. - Thank you. [04:46.88]Join us. Sit down. 坐过来吧,跟我们一起 [04:47.72]- Y
  • [04:36.40]Because we're hot. 那是因为我们火辣
    [04:41.20]Hmm! - 嘿,打得太棒了 - 谢谢
    [04:42.88]- Hey, that was a great play. - Thank you.
    [04:46.88]Join us. Sit down. 坐过来吧,跟我们一起
    [04:47.72]- Yeah. - Why not? - 对 - 为什么不呢?
    [04:51.04]It was really good. Very athletic5. 真的很棒,很健壮
    [04:52.40]- Hey, I'm Jenny. - Hi. Kathryn. - 嘿,我叫詹妮 - 嗨,凯瑟琳
    [04:55.88]- Nice to meet you. - Hi. Bradley Smith. I'm her other half. - 很高兴认识你 - 嗨,布拉德利·史密斯,我是她的另一半
    [05:00.72]- Hi. - Nice to meet you. - 嗨 - 很高兴认识你
    [00:01.20]And this is Harry1 Stevenson. 这是哈里·史蒂文森
    [00:05.56]How long have you guys been married? 你们结婚多久了?
    [00:07.56]- Almost... - Six years and a little bit of change. - 大概… - 六年左右
    [00:11.88]You know, I think I'm going to go put some money in that jukebox. 我想去自动唱片点唱机播首歌
    [00:15.20]Will you save my spot for me? 你可以帮我看着我的位子吗?
    [00:18.20]Oh. 不管怎么说,我可以告诉你一件事
    [00:18.40]- Yeah. - Yeah. - 好的 - 好的
    [00:19.72]BRADLEY: Anyway, I mean, I could tell you one thing, they...
    [00:21.72]They take the game seriously. 他们对比赛非常重视
    [00:24.04]I mean, they're practicing three nights a week. 他们一周训练三晚
    [00:27.20]HARRY: Well, that's how you get it done. BRADLEY: Yeah? - 成功需苦干 - 怎么说?
    [00:30.40]HARRY: If you'd studied that hard, Bradley, you might have been a decent2 student. 如果你学习也这么刻苦 你可能成为优等生了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱情盛宴      

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