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  • [电影台词背单词] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(63) 日期:2015-06-15 12:50:31 点击:135 好评:0

    [02:26.23]在墨菲的聚会后 After Murphs party, [02:27.49]我会带你去切尔西 我们一起跳舞 lII take you to that pIace in CheIsea and we can go dancing. [02:31.73]伯妮 我觉得我们需要谈谈 Bernie, l think we need to t...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(62) 日期:2015-06-15 12:50:04 点击:140 好评:0

    [01:33.17]关于刺杀肯尼迪的第二个例子 是吗 whatJ.F.K. said about second acts, do l? [01:34.78]是菲茨杰拉德 It Was F. Scott FItzGerald. [01:37.21]你不用再跟我这么废话了 关键是 Are you gonna break my baIIs ab...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(61) 日期:2015-06-15 12:49:35 点击:161 好评:0

    [00:56.97]我想写点其他的 那你不能同时写吗 l wanna write about other things. And you cant do both? [00:59.71]你有没有读过 进入黑夜的漫长过程 这本书 You ever read A LonG Days Journey Into NIGht? [01:01.71]你这...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(60) 日期:2015-06-03 12:45:22 点击:192 好评:0

    [00:02.92]* 你和我 * You and I. [00:06.32]* 会充满了幸福和希望 * Were so full oflove and hope. [00:10.43]* 你能让这一切尽快实现吗 * Would you GIve It all up noW. [00:14.03]* 还是深陷在困苦中 * Or Would you GIv...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(59) 日期:2015-06-03 12:44:55 点击:172 好评:0

    [03:29.33]当然 我会的 谢谢 墨菲 没事 Sure. Yeah, l wiII. Thanks, Murph. AII right. [03:32.66]还有记得 要带上凯特 好吗? 这是你欠我的 And remember, you gotta bring cake, okay? You owe me one. [03:44.51]我从没想过...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(58) 日期:2015-06-03 12:44:36 点击:176 好评:0

    [02:51.65]知道吗 墨菲 不是什么都讲钱的 You know, Murph, its not aII about the money. [02:55.46]是没错 帕蒂 AII right, Patti. [02:57.46]那么 说到钱 So, speaking of money... [03:00.50]我该在这个合同的哪里签字...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(57) 日期:2015-06-03 12:44:15 点击:112 好评:0

    [02:04.11]但你猜怎么着 but guess what. [02:05.05]没人再会看那些狗屁了 好好想想吧 Nobody reads that shit anymore. l mean, think about it. [02:07.61]你正坐着火车去上班 Youre on the train going to work... [02:09.6...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(56) 日期:2015-06-03 12:43:54 点击:177 好评:0

    [01:19.66]嘿 什不是的 我们只是叙叙旧 叙旧? Hey, what No. We were just reminiscing. Reminiscing? [01:22.53]没错 然后当天晚上她就跟老公分手了? Yeah. And that night she and her husband break up? [01:24.87]纯属巧合...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(55) 日期:2015-06-03 12:43:35 点击:65 好评:0

    [00:39.52]拜凯 Come Ka [00:44.06]算了吧 Whatever. [00:46.93]你什么? 你在她学校外面等她上班? You did what? YouYou waited for her outside her schooI before she went to work? [00:51.27]说真的 那我还能怎么办呢? Ser...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《紫罗兰》电影台词(54) 日期:2015-06-03 12:43:11 点击:92 好评:0

    [00:01.22]早上好 Good morning. [00:03.79]要我为你做什么吗? ls there something you need from me? [00:04.73]是啊 我要跟你谈谈 Yeah. l need to taIk to you. [00:05.82]不 你不想 你干嘛要这样? No, you dont. Why are yo...

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