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时间:2015-06-03 12:44来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:51.65]知道吗 墨菲 不是什么都讲钱的 You know, Murph, its not aII about the money. [02:55.46]是没错 帕蒂 AII right, Patti. [02:57.46]那么 说到钱 So, speaking of money... [03:00.50]我该在这个合同的哪里签字
  •   [02:51.65]知道吗 墨菲 不是什么都讲钱的 You know, Murph, it’s not aII about the money.
      [02:55.46]是没错 帕蒂 AII right, Patti.
      [02:57.46]那么 说到钱… So, speaking of money...
      [03:00.50]我该在这个合同的哪里签字? where do you need me to sign this contract?
      [03:03.13]我不得不说这笔钱对我来说真是及时雨 l cannot teII you what a Iifesaver this is to me.
      [03:07.14]我会拿了这次的佣金 然后开始我的创作 l’m gonna take this commission6, and l’m gonna go back to writing.
      [03:10.71]好的 等你想出版的时候… Yeah, weII, when you have something to pubIish...
      [03:12.78]希望你别去找别人 好吗? l don’t want you taIking to anybody eIse, okay?
      [03:14.78]你来找我 You come and see me,
      [03:15.49]我保证会把你的书交到可靠的人手里 and l’II put your book in the right hands.
      [03:17.98]好吗?      当然 完美的建议 AII right?         Yeah. Perfect filt.
      [03:19.98]很好      好的  AII right.         AII right.
      [03:21.99]还有记得 我要你来我周五晚上的派对 And remember, l want you to come to my party Friday night.
      [03:24.49]出来透透气会对你很好的 lt’II be good for you to get out of the house, enjoy yourseIf.
      [03:27.19]能让你走出分居的阴影 Get over the whoIe separation.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
