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时间:2015-06-03 12:44来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:04.11]但你猜怎么着 but guess what. [02:05.05]没人再会看那些狗屁了 好好想想吧 Nobody reads that shit anymore. l mean, think about it. [02:07.61]你正坐着火车去上班 Youre on the train going to work... [02:09.6
  •   [02:04.11]但你猜怎么着 but guess what.
      [02:05.05]没人再会看那些狗屁了 好好想想吧 Nobody reads that shit anymore. l mean, think about it.
      [02:07.61]你正坐着火车去上班 You’re on the train going to work...
      [02:09.61]或是你在海边享受着难得一周的假期 or you’re enjoying your one week’s vacation down the shore.
      [02:12.82]你还会想遭福克纳(美国小说家)的罪吗? You reaIIy wanna suffer through FauIkner?
      [02:14.92]又或是跟小约翰葛雷森共度? Or do you want to kick back with a IittIeJohn Grisham?
      [02:17.69]我懂了 你不喜欢布莱恩的书 So l take it you didn’t Iike Brian’s book.
      [02:19.76]你说笑吗? 我甚至都没能看完它 Are you kIddIn’me? I couldn’t even f’l’nIsh It.
      [02:21.76]无聊得我都快哭了 怎么了? 你呢? Bored me to tears. Why? What about you?
      [02:24.93]某种程度上说 还是不错的 So far, it’s very good.
      [02:27.00]对 但那不是重点 Yeah, but that’s not even reaIIy the point.
      [02:29.07]我觉得那是他真正想写的东西 l think it’s that he’s writing something that matters to him.
      [02:32.44]我是说 这是…这就是作家存在的意义 l mean, that’s That’s why we aII do it.
      [02:35.14]对 他是很有天赋没错 WeII, Iook, he’s got a gift, okay?
      [02:38.37]他可以写很好的故事 而人们也喜欢看好故事 He can write a good story, and peopIe Iike a good story.
      [02:41.95]布莱恩所要做的只是回去… What Brian needs to do is he needs to go back...
      [02:45.32]再写一本奈特探长的书 and write another Detective Knight4 book.
      [02:47.65]让我卖出电影版权 然后你猜怎么着 Let me seII the movie rights, and guess what.
      [02:49.65]我们就会有大把大把的钱了 We aII make a piIe of dough

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
