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时间:2015-06-03 12:43来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:19.66]嘿 什不是的 我们只是叙叙旧 叙旧? Hey, what No. We were just reminiscing. Reminiscing? [01:22.53]没错 然后当天晚上她就跟老公分手了? Yeah. And that night she and her husband break up? [01:24.87]纯属巧合
  •   [01:19.66]嘿 什…不是的 我们只是叙叙旧      叙旧?  Hey, what No. We were just reminiscing.         Reminiscing?
      [01:22.53]没错      然后当天晚上她就跟老公分手了?  Yeah.         And that night she and her husband break up?
      [01:24.87]纯属巧合? 我觉得你脱不了干系 Coincidence? l think you’re guiIty.
      [01:26.94]我们只是…只是在说她为什么不写作了 We were justWe were taIking about why she hasn’t been writing.
      [01:29.44]就这样 我只是觉得这是对她天赋的浪费 That’s aII. l just think it’s a big waste of her taIents.
      [01:31.94]你读过她的作品 你知道她有多棒 You’ve read her stuff2. You know how good she is.
      [01:35.01]我记得大一的时候 l mean, l remember freshman3 year...
      [01:37.01]第一次读到她的一篇作品 the filrst time l read one of her stories.
      [01:39.65]天哪 她真的能让人有 HoIy shit. l mean, she couId reaIIy
      [01:42.17]身临其境的感觉 不是吗? transport you, you know?
      [01:43.75]身临其境? Transport you?
      [01:47.72]喔! 你真的陷得太深了 兄弟 Whoo! You’re in it thick, brother.
      [01:50.39]我是说 不管是他…还是你… I mean, no knock on hIm or you
      [01:52.50]都不应该把短暂的生命浪费在写律师身上 but Iife is too short to spend it writing about Iawyers.
      [01:55.90]为什么? 因为那些才卖得出去? Why? Because those actually sell?
      [01:58.80]因为有了这些你们才能养家糊口? Because WIth those you can actually make a lIvInG?
      [02:01.40]听着 我知道你跟布莱恩想成为文坛巨子 Look, l know you and Brian want to be these Iiterary giants

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
