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时间:2015-06-15 12:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:56.97]我想写点其他的 那你不能同时写吗 l wanna write about other things. And you cant do both? [00:59.71]你有没有读过 进入黑夜的漫长过程 这本书 You ever read A LonG Days Journey Into NIGht? [01:01.71]你这
  •   [00:56.97]我想写点其他的      那你不能同时写吗  l wanna write about other things.         And you can’t do both?
      [00:59.71]你有没有读过 进入黑夜的漫长过程 这本书 You ever read A LonG Day’s Journey Into NIGht?
      [01:01.71]你这么说是什么意思 你就这么喜欢让我难堪 Why do you do that to me? Do you enjoy making me feeI Iike an idiot4?
      [01:04.88]好吧 抱歉 书中父亲这个角色 Okay. Sorry. The father in the pIay
      [01:06.88]是建立在奥尼尔自己父亲上的 明白吗 Based on O’NeiII’s own father, aII right?
      [01:08.89]角色中他拥有一个非常棒很能赚钱的职业 He had a very Iong and Iucrative career as a stage actor...
      [01:11.39]这些在《基督山伯爵》中演绎了一次又一次 pIaying the same roIe over and over again in The Count of Monte CrIsto.
      [01:14.42]为什么 因为他擅长这些 并使他富有 Why? ’Cause he was good at it, and it made him rich.
      [01:17.09]但在他快死的时候 他回首过去 But by the end of his Iife, he reaIizes that by doing so...
      [01:20.30]他失去了成为一个真正伟大的艺术家的机会 it cost him the chance to be a truIy great artist.
      [01:23.03]我不想重蹈覆辙 l don’t wanna be that guy.
      [01:25.07]你是在提醒我不该和他一样去赚钱... You’re aware you may not make the same kind of money...
      [01:27.10]你已经适应了这些 知道吗 you’ve grown accustomed to, aII right?
      [01:29.37]出版的话 那会是种挑战 And GettInG publIshed That’s Gonna be a challenGe.
      [01:32.24]不需要再提醒你 l don’t need to remind you

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
