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时间:2015-06-03 12:43来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.22]早上好 Good morning. [00:03.79]要我为你做什么吗? ls there something you need from me? [00:04.73]是啊 我要跟你谈谈 Yeah. l need to taIk to you. [00:05.82]不 你不想 你干嘛要这样? No, you dont. Why are yo
  •   [00:01.22]早上好 Good morning.
      [00:03.79]要我为你做什么吗?  ls there something you need from me?
      [00:04.73]是啊 我要跟你谈谈 Yeah. l need to taIk to you.
      [00:05.82]不 你不想      你干嘛要这样?  No, you don’t.         Why are you being Iike this?
      [00:07.82]你为什么就是不肯跟我谈谈呢?  Why won’t you just taIk to me?
      [00:09.17]也许是因为我把你的话当耳旁风吧 ProbabIy ’cause l couId care Iess about what you have to say.
      [00:11.76]我只是想道歉 好吗? 你能别这么对我吗? Look, l want to apoIogize, aII right? You can’t do that for me?
      [00:14.46]我是说 就当尊重我一下嘛 l mean, it wouId be the respectfuI thing to do.
      [00:16.57]哦 尊重 真是个有趣的词汇 Oh, respectfuI. lnteresting choice of words.
      [00:18.90]你自己玩去吧 我要上班了 Go fuck yourseIf. l’m going to work.
      [00:21.94]凯特 凯特 别这样 嘿 嘿! Kate. Kate, come on. Hey. Hey!
      [00:26.11]对于那天晚上发生的事我真的很抱歉 好吗? Look, l am so sorry for what l did that night. Okay?
      [00:29.91]我是说 如果有什么办法可以让… l mean, if there was any way...
      [00:31.92]时光倒流 我一定不会再犯这种错了 l couId turn back the cIock and undo1 it, l wouId.
      [00:34.85]把这种念头埋进你那木鱼脑子里吧 Get this through your thick skuII.
      [00:37.22]我不想听 l’m not interested.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
