1. Put foot in mouth 说错话,说屎话 I really put my foot in my mouth when I told the boss the woman in front of us is butt-ugly, because it turned out she was his wife. 我真是说屎话我对老板说前面的那个女人长得奇丑...
1. Punching bag 出气筒,受气包 You always use me as your punching bag when you are upset with work. 每次你在工作中受了气总是把我当成你的出气筒。 疯狂联想:本义是拳击沙袋,把某人当成沙袋来击打...
1. Pull strings/ wires 拉关系,走后门 He got a gravy-train job in the government by pulling strings. 他动用关系在政府部门谋得了一份美差。 释义:直译是牵线。源于木偶戏,木偶的一举一动都需要人牵...
1. Pull no punches 别手下留情,毫无保留 Pull no punches -- if you have anything to say, just shoot! 别讲情面,有什么就说吧! 释义: pull:回收,收回 punch:拳击,击打 pull no punches:直译是不敢回打...
1. POed 生气的,愤怒的 I was really POed at Nancy -- She took all the credit for my work. 我对南希真的很生气,我拼命工作她却坐享其成。 释义:POed 是Im pissed off的简写。 piss off at:对......很生气...
1. Play it by ear 见机行事,走着瞧 Im not prepared for the speech so I have to play it by ear. 我没准备演讲稿,到时只好见机行事了。 释义:本义可不是玩耳朵,而是不看乐谱就演奏,引申为见机行...
1. Play foul 用卑鄙手段,用诈术 Sean was such a creep that he won the vote for president of the Student Body by playing foul. 肖恩真卑鄙,全靠使用诈术赢得学生会主席的选举。 释义: foul:犯规 play foul:源...
1. Pig out 狼吞虎咽 The kids pigged out on the candy they had collected on Halloween. 孩子们狼吞虎咽他们在万圣节得来的糖果。 疯狂联想:试想一下猪的吃相吧,蔚为壮观啊! 2. Pipe dream 痴心妄想,白...
1. P.H.D.(脏话) P.H.D.本义是博士,但后来被故意曲解为脏话,说某人的阳具硕大(Pretty Huge Dick的首字母缩写)。 同样,MBA本意是工商管理硕士,但被故意曲解为婚外情(Married But Ava...
1. Pet talk 口头禅 I dont know is Toms pet talk recently. 最近,我不知道成了汤姆的口头禅。 释义: pet:宠物,受人喜爱的 pet talk:人们喜欢说的话,引申为口头禅。 链接: pet phrase 口头禅 2...