1. On the fence 犹豫不决,两面观望,中立的 That congressman is still on the fence to vote for or against the new tax bill. 那个议员现在还对新的税收议案犹豫不决,不知该投赞成票还是反对票。 释义:...
1. On pins and needles 坐立不安,如坐针毡 It seems that youre on pins and needles today. Anything troubling you? 你今天似乎坐立不安,有什么事吗? 释义: pins:大头针;needles:指针 be on pins and needles:...
1. On cloud nine 飘飘然,非常快乐 Jenny was on cloud nine for days after Mike asked her to the prom. 迈克邀请詹妮参加学校班级舞会,她兴奋了好几天。 释义:直译是在第九层云上,可谓飘飘然直上九...
1. Old habits die hard. 江山易改,本性难移。 Tom has been a chain smoker for years. You know, old habits die hard. 汤姆是个多年的老烟鬼了。哎,积习难改呀。 释义:直译是旧习惯很难死掉,正所谓江山...
1. Oil the wheels 让事情顺利进行 I will try to oil the wheels to make our cooperation successful. 我会努力让事情顺利进行,使我们的合作成功。 释义:本义为给轮子上油让其更加灵活地旋转,比喻做出...
1. Off the top of ones head 不假思索,马上 I cant tell you the figures off the top of my head. Ill have to check it up. 我无法马上告诉你具体数字,我还得查一下。 2. Off-the-wall 古怪的,离奇的 He said some r...
1. Off and on 断断续续 The idea of being a writer bad come to me off and on since childhood, but it wasnt until recently that the possibility took hold. 从孩提时代,我就断断续续地有当作家的念头,但直到最近,这一...
1. Of one mind 意见一致,看法相同 The board are of one mind in passing our plan. 董事会一致通过了我们的计划。 释义:直译为一个脑子想出的问题,引申为意见统一、看法相同。 2. Of two minds 犹豫...
1. Nuke ①用微波炉加热;②核武器 ① The chicken is frozen. Nuke it before you eat it. 鸡肉已经冷了,用微波炉加热后再吃。 ② The United States has most of the nukes in the world. 美国拥有全世界最多的核...
1. Nothing 一无是处 You said you are nothing? No way, you are excellent and you are really something! 你说你一无是处?不,你可是真有一套! 链接: something: 真有一套!有两下子! 2. Nothing like leather 王婆卖...