1. Wicked 很棒地,非常地,超级地 Im really into her hairstyle - its wicked cute. 我真的很喜欢她的发型太棒了! 释义:原意指坏的、恶劣的,作俚语使用时,却有完全相反的解释。可以用作形容...
1. Whats his/ her face 某个不知姓名的人 You have to talk to whats his face about your application. 你要和那个人谈一下你的申请问题。 释义:用作名词指人,这虽然在语法上说不通,但美国人就是这样...
1. Wear two hats 一肩两职,身兼多职 I am wearing two hats as a cashier here and an accountant, because the regular cashier is pregant. 因为出纳怀孕了,我不得不身兼两职,既当出纳又当会计。 释义:直译是一...
1. Watch sb. fall 幸灾乐祸,袖手旁观 Dont worry, I will not watch you fall when you are in trouble. 别担心,当你有麻烦时,我不会袖手旁观的。 疯狂联想:看着某人跌落陷阱既不提醒,也不施以援手...
1. Walk a tightrope 冒险,走钢丝 You are walking a tightrope by putting all of your money in the casino. 你可真够冒险的,把所有的钱都投递赌场。 释义: tightrope:绷紧的绳索 walk a tightrope:直译为在钢丝...
1. Vote with (ones) feet 反对,以脚投票 The service in that restaurant was so bad that we voted with our feet and never came back again. 那家饭馆的服务质量实在太差,我们只好以离开的方式表示不满,再也不来...
1. VIP 重要人物,贵宾 We all clapped our hands when the VIP arrived. 当那个贵宾到达时,我们全体鼓掌。 释义:VIP是Very Important Person的首字母简写。 2. Vent 发泄,倾诉 Dont take his remarks too serious...
1. User 吸毒者,瘾君子 All the users will end up with corruption and death if they dont quit in time. 如果不及时戒毒,瘾君子们的结局只能是堕落和死亡。 链接: 吸毒者,瘾君子: drug abuser drug user d...
1. Up on ones soapbox 喋喋不休 The principal is up on his soapbox about the importance of study. 校长总是喋喋不休地讲学习的重要性。 疯狂联想:19世纪时,空肥皂箱最显著的用途之一就是充当政治家的...
1. Up front ①诚实的,坦诚的;②预先,提前 ① You can count on her, for she is always up front with friends. 你可以信赖她,因为她对朋友总是很坦诚的。 ② In order to hold your reservation, I need $100 a...