1. Rip-off 骗人的东西,上当(名词) What a rip-off! The new car I bought doesnt work! 上当了!我买的新车启动不了! 链接: rip off(动词):偷窃,诈骗、敲竹杠 The false ad. ripped off a great many c...
1. Red tape 官僚主义,繁文缛节 How much longer until I can get my business license? Ive had enough of this red tape. 还要等多久我才能拿到营业执照呀?我简直受够了这种官僚主义。 疯狂联想:古时候官方...
1. Rain on ones parade 扫兴 Jane, please dont invite John to the party. Hes always raining on my parade. 简,别请约翰参加晚会,他这人总是很让人扫兴。 疯狂联想:正要游行(parade)的时候,外面下起了雨...
1. Rad 潇洒,酷毙了 The rap hat you wear is so rad. 你戴的街舞帽真是酷呆了。 释义:rad是radical的简写。20世纪70年代起radical便有了潇洒的意思。 2. Rain check 下次,改天 Thanks for your invitation,...
1. Quit it 停止吧,拉倒吧,算了吧 Quit it, man -- you keep going blah-blah-blah just like an old hen. 你拉倒吧唠唠叨叨就像个老太婆。 释义: quit:辞去(工作),停止,结束 quit it:往往带有不耐烦...
1. Queeny 女人味很重的 Hes so queeny when he dances; look at how hes wiggling his hips. 他就起舞来简直就像个女人,看他不停地扭着屁股。 2. Quick buck 横财,易得之财 He dreamt of making a quick buck in the...
1. Quack 庸医 You damn quack! 你这该死的庸医! 释义: quack:鸭子叫声,水平不高,吆喝声不小。 2. Queen 假女,男同性恋中的女角 John is such a queen! Look at the flowery dress hes wearing. 约翰穿着花...
1. Put ones best foot forward 使出杀手锏,使出绝招,给人好的印象 To get this job you have to put your best foot forward at the interview. 要想得到这个工作,你必须在面试时使出你的拿手好戏。 释义:直...
1. Put someone out 给某人添麻烦 Please dont go to too much trouble. Ive put you out more than enough. 别费心了,我已经够给您添麻烦了。 2. Put someone up 留宿某人 I can put you up till my wifes back from her mothers...
1. Put on a brave face 假装勇敢,心虚 I was quite scared of snakes, but since my girlfriend was around I had to put on a brave face when I met one. 我很怕蛇,但在女朋友面前我只好假装勇敢,一点都不怕。 释义:...