1. Shoot some hoops 打篮球 Id like to shoot some hoops after work. 我想下班后打打篮球。 释义: shoot:射击,发射 hoop:篮筐,篮圈 shoot hoops:对着篮圈发射,自然是打篮球了,不过不是正式比赛。...
1. Shoot ones mouth off 信口开河,唠唠叨叨 He always shoots his mouth off and says things he later regrets. 他总是信口开河,结果尽说些让他自己事后后悔的话。 疯狂联想:把一个人的嘴巴比作一挺上了...
1. Shoot from the hip 冒失,鲁莽,直率 John isnt very tactful; as a matter of fact, hes known for shooting from the hip. 约翰不是个圆滑老练的人,事实上,他很冒失。 释义:字面意思是从臀部发射。源于西...
1. Sharp ①滑头(名词);②时髦的(形容词) ① Hes so sharp that hes not going to fall for it. 他这个滑头,根本不会上当。 ② Your suit looks so sharp! 你的西服看起来很挺嘛! 链接: smart:聪明的...
1. Shades 太阳镜,墨镜 Andrew likes his shades so much that he even wears them at night. 安德鲁很喜欢他的墨镜,居然晚上也戴着它。 释义:本义是指阳光被遮挡留下的阴影,后指代墨镜。 2. Shake a...
1. Screw loose 脱线,神经不对头 Bill must have a screw loose somewhere, for hes acting really strange recently. 比尔一定是哪根筋不对,他近来行动真奇怪。 释义: screw:一个螺丝;loose:松 疯狂联想:某...
1. Says who? 谁说的?(反诘,疑问) - Our team can never win the game! 我们的球队绝不可能取胜! - Says who? 谁说的? 链接: Says you! 鬼才信你! 2. Scratch ones back 帮助某人 We are good friends -- thi...
1. Rule 棒极了(动词) Your new car rules! 你的新车怎不错! 链接: rock(动词):棒极了,真棒 That new band rocks! 那个新乐队真棒! 2. Run with the pack 合群,随大流 Sam is easy-going and always ru...
1. Rub in 伤口撒盐,揭旧疮,雪上加霜 Youre rubbing in by mentioning my wifes name; we just divorced a few days ago. 你提我老婆的名字对我无疑是伤口撒盐,我们刚刚离婚。 释义:源于俗语rub salt into...
1. Rock the boat 捣乱,制造麻烦,兴风作浪 Things are going well -- dont rock the boat. 事情进行得很顺利千万不要自找麻烦。 疯狂联想:船在水上本已不稳,还要摇晃它。比喻捣乱,制造麻烦,兴...