1. All wet 错误的 Im afraid your idea is all wet. 恐怕你的想法完全是错误的。 释义: wet: 湿的 all wet: 直译是全是湿的,引申为大错特错,胡说,瞎扯。 2. All-out 尽力,全力以赴 Ill go all-out t...
1. All ears 全神贯注,认真听 If you have anything to say, just shoot - Im all ears. 你有什么话尽管说我洗耳恭听。 疯狂联想:想象一个人头小鼻小嘴小就是耳朵大,或者他浑身长满了耳朵,可不是...
1. Against the swim 逆大流,不合群 When everyone voted John president of the Student Body, Jane was against the swim and voted for Sam. 当大家都选约翰当学生会主席时,琼却偏要逆大流选山姆。 释义: swim: 往同...
1. Act of God 天意,不可抗力 He is successful at last. It may be an act of God. 他终于成功了,这也许是天意。 释义:直译是上帝的行动,而上帝的行动是不可预计的,所以比喻无法预计,难以避免...
1. A tough nut hard to crack 棘手的事,难以说服的人 Finding money to open our new firm will be a tough nut hard to crack. 筹集开办公司的资金真是很棘手的事情。 释义: crack: 砸开,撬开 直译是一个坚硬...
1. A small fish in a big pond 无足轻重的人 Id rather be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond. 我宁做鸡头不做凤尾。 释义: pond 池塘 a small fish in a big pond: 直译为大池塘里的一条小鱼,...
1. A cup of tea 意中人,想要之物;轻而易举之事 1) Shes not my cup of tea. 她不是我的意中人。 2) Riding horse is a cup of tea for me. 骑马对我是再简单不过的事了。 链接: a piece of cake:轻而易举之...