1. Doormat 软柿子,易被欺负的人 You will never get anywhere until you stop being such a doormat. 你如果这样软弱的话,就一无所成。 释义: mat: 席子,垫子 doormat: 门边的擦鞋垫,人尽可踩,人尽可欺...
1. Dogs life 悲惨的生活 Hes leading a dogs life. 他过着牛马不如的生活。 2. Dont have a cow 别大惊小怪 Dont have a cow! Ill pay for the damages. 别大惊小怪的!我会赔偿损失的。 释义: cow: 母牛,体积大...
1. Dinosaur ①过时的东西;②丑女人 ① That cell phone you use is a real dinosaur. Why dont you change it? 你的手机老掉牙了,干嘛还不换一个? ② As handsome as he is, Tom married a dinosaur. 英俊的汤姆居然找...
1. Dear John letter 绝交信 My heart was broken when I received a dear John letter from my G.F. 当我收到女友寄来的绝交信时,真是伤心欲绝。 释义:来自一首情歌。男子名叫约翰(John),女友寄给他的可...
1. Dangle a carrot 开空头支票,空口许诺 My boss promised me a raise but I know he is just dangling a carrot in front of me. 老板许诺要给我加薪,可我知道他是在开空头支票。 释义: dangle: 悬挂,摇晃 da...
1. Cute act 小伎俩,小花招,小聪明 You can never make real friends if you dont drop the cute act. 如果你还玩这种小聪明,你就永远交不到真正的朋友。...
1. Cry in ones beer 借酒消愁,自我怜悯 John sits around in a bar all day crying in his beer since his girlfriend dumped him. 女友和他分手后,约翰就一天到晚坐在酒吧里借酒消愁。 释义:意思是坐在酒吧间...
1. Crappy 差劲的,劣质的 That bike is so crappy that the chain fell off. 那辆自行车烂得链条都脱落了。 释义: 源于crap:粪便,狗屎,相当于shit。 2. Creepy 恐怖的,讨厌的 Ill probably have nightmare...
1. Couch potato 电视迷 Dont be such a couch potato, or your eyes will hurt. 别整天盯着电视,否则你的眼睛要被弄坏。 疯狂联想:想象一个大胖子,身体陷在沙发里,手拿炸薯条,盯着电视。 2. Cou...
1. Cop 警察,条子 Leave me alone or Ill call the cops. 别惹我,否则我打电话叫警察。 释义: police: 警察(正式) police officer: 警官(正式) 疯狂联想: 警察以前都穿那种有铜印(copper)的大...