1. Im straight. 我性取向正常。 I dont go out with gay people; Im straight. 我不会和同性恋纠缠,我性取向正常。 链接: 男同性恋:gay 女同性恋:lesbian 双性恋:bi faggot(贬义) muff diver(贬义)...
1. I feel ya. 我理解你 You dont have to say more, I feel ya already. 别说了,我听懂了。 2. I kid you not. 我不骗你。 I kid you not. I saw this woman stealing your purse. 我不骗你。我看见这个女人偷走了你的钱...
1. Hype 渲染,炒作 There was a lot of hype about this movie, but it wasnt as good as I thought it would be. 报纸对这部电影竭力炒作,但我觉得它没有宣传的那么好看。 释义:指大家总是把一件事说得比实...
1. Hot number 新鲜、迷人的人或事物,尤物 Tom thinks Sherry is a hot number. 汤姆认为雪莉是个尤物。 释义: number: 电话号码 hot number: 炙手可热的电话号码 2. Hotty/ Hottie 大美人 There were some fin...
1. Hot 漂亮的,靓 That girl is hot! 那个女孩真漂亮! 释义: hot指人时,除了有漂亮的意思外,还有性感、风骚之意。 2. Hot boy/ Fire boy 帅哥 Check out the hot boy in that Mustang. 快看那个坐在野马...
1. Hold water 站得住脚 That excuse simply doesnt hold water. 那个借口根本站不住脚。 释义:直译是装得住水,不让水漏出来,引申为借口,理由或观点确实站得住脚。汉语中的滴水不漏与此有些...
1. Hit the road 上路 We should probably hit the road. Its going to take us two hours to get home. 我们该上路了,到家得两个小时呢! 链接: hit the sack: 上床睡觉 hit the book: 看书学习 2. Hoe/ Ho ①(极度)丑...
1. High five 击掌相庆,干得好 Nice shot! High five, dude! 好球!兄弟,干得不错! 释义:一只手上有五个指头,所以five在此指手掌。 链接: 击掌相庆,相互打气。 Give me five! Gimme five! 2. Hi...
1. Hick 乡巴佬,土包子 My roommate was a real hick. He came from a town so small that it didnt have a movie theater. 我的室友真是个乡巴佬。他的老家是个小镇,那里甚至连电影院都没有。 释义: 世界各地...
1. Heads up! 小心!注意! Heads up! Here comes a car! 小心!有车开过来了! 释义: Heads up! 要别人抬起头来,也就是提醒别人小心。 链接: 提醒别人注意: Watch out! Look out! 2. Henpeck 妻管严...